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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. To me a loonie is a loonie. The sad bastards that go shooting kids in US colleges etc aren't a million times different from the sad bastards who decide Allah is guiding them through the videos they watch encouraging them to jihad. What's the difference between a loner who doesn't kill to one who does? What's the difference between one of the millions of Muslims who don't turn jihadi to the ones who do? They're nutters pure and simple with weak minds.
  2. This 'war on terror' and 'declaring war on Isis/AQ' etc. Fuck sake, man. Don't legitimise them, don't give them any more kudos than they've already given themselves. They're very dangerous criminals engaging in terrorist acts.
  3. Talk talk were horrendous when we had them. But don't let me put anyone off.
  4. :lol: Has the drugs went to your head? Who has been forgiving these horrible bastards?
  5. Errm, I said I haven't really been following this. Fucking chill out, man! I'm making excuses for nobody. I'd be interested to know if they were rounded individuals before they decided to go to Saudi or if they were loonies/social outcasts or felt they didn't belong?
  6. Haven't really been following this as I've had my mind elsewhere. I'm sure I heard initially that the bloke had had an argument then left and returned with the lass shooting people? As is the case with a few of these nutters, I get the impression the religion part is a bit of an excuse.
  7. Uber drivers will not have the time for this.
  8. Move to the other side of the river? Thought even you would know better.
  9. Looks like I've an agreement in principle with hipster beard man to buy my house although some of this hinges on the offer we've made to the bloke who owns the bungalow we want. He wants to sleep on it. It's vacant but he wants to sleep on it. I'm stressed already. Part of me is gutted, the kids have been born and brought up in this house and we get on really well with our neighbours.
  10. It panes me to say i heard he finds it funny trying to post letters through the slit in the burka of any female Muslim doctor he sees. Hopefully he'll ab-stain from this in the future.
  11. Just read the basic idea of the big bang theory and it sounds like it'll be utterly shit. Watching TV for watching TVs sake.
  12. WHAT the fuck some of them are doing is hiding.
  13. Big bang theory is shit as is the Mindy show. (I've never seen either and have no idea what they're about and who is in them but I'm sure I'll be right).
  14. Fish, CT is telling you that you don't understand the situation as well as he does. How do you feel about that?
  15. I'm not moving house, I'm selling one. No fuzzie wuzzies viewed it so far as I put a big pic of your BT look-a-like in the window.
  16. All our valuations were the same, to be fair, with the caveat of taking a few grand off after X amount of weeks/months if we want to push a quicker sale.
  17. Another viewing, another late twenty/early thirty couple where the lad has a hipster beard and thinks he's on 'the apprentice' as he starts haggling for a price as I'm showing them around my house. Another one who won't be getting my home.
  18. My local mp voted for the welfare bill too the traitorous cunt.
  19. It's around somewhere. Going to bed. Guten nacht.
  20. I see the toontastic heroine, Bridgette voted for air strikes. Fucking pleased I wasn't around in her day.
  21. Feel more sorry for myself and other supporters. McClaren is getting paid to sup with the devil and will fuck off without a backward look. Us daft cunts are stuck with it.
  22. Tell a joke but make it seem as if it's a genuine story. (Depends how good you are at expressions. End of the day it's a load of shite and nobody gives a fuck if you finally achieved whatever bollocks you'll tell them.)
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