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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. The Beast was slaughtered...... But it's spirit lived on.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cg0UQrYw8c&feature=youtu.be Peterborough, away, 1992. Someone must have sneaked an old camcorder in this day. Absolutely brilliant day out. Miss those times, big away support, terraces, winning games and having fun.
  3. ......And so the Beast was slain and the good people of Toontastic lived happily ever after.
  4. He kind of looks a bit like nurse Ratchet in her old age.
  5. £11.5M apparently. Chelsea knocked back loan-to-buy deal.
  6. I hope we get him just for 'the hips don't lie' potential songs.
  7. Aye, but he has The Beast, so what do you expect? If it was chocolate it would be a Yorkie bar. He has started growing extra hairs on his chest since installing The Beast and Mrs CT has been walking around the house rather tenderly since The Beast came to Boldon.
  8. They'd have to buy his lass some chocolates and flowers, first.
  9. The amount of students who'd end up getting a dig on a night out in the toon in the 80's/90's was completely disproportionate to the numbers of them and I always felt a bit sorry for them as it was out of order to be honest as they were basically harmless and easy pickings for arseholes to target. I'm now thinking it wasn't the worst bit of education they received up here.
  10. Said it before, played as he spoke. Like a fanny.
  11. All supporters of clubs have cunts in their ranks, some more than others.
  12. People and the media are generally lazy by nature and are happy to accept an explanation if it's by a perceived successful business organisation/businessman. The amount of dullards around the country who genuinely believe anything they are told to should surprise nobody.
  13. I hope to God you're not as dumb as you make out. And I hope to God I'm not as numb as you make out.
  14. Always seem to get beat whenever I notice the results of the U21, U18 teams, etc.
  15. Was out tonight, caught a bit of SSN. No mention whatsoever of a secret derby. #Magedia
  16. Is there anyone on here matching that description? Best not bother with this film, then.
  17. Howmanheyman


    Ah! The tenderloin in Frisco! Never been.
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