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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I'd just try and avoid buying African players tbh.
  2. They don't want the car back, it's only a year into the agreement but they can't gamble on us winning and we will now have to get another one and wait for it. (If we win). It's squarely down to the DWP and their orders from Tory HQ. Really can't afford to buy one myself ATM with the house getting renovated. Cunts doesn't cover it
  3. 'Iron-y May-den' Can she play with madness? Looks like it, tbf.
  4. Aye, we were just discussing this the other day as well. The assessment was a bit like the 'I, Daniel Blake' one.
  5. It gets my back up reading about these things and I always think 'when's it our turn?' Tbh. In a normal world her notes alone should've been enough without going to the so-called assessment. Just been talking to a scouse kid from motability, really helpful etc but it looks like we're losing the car, (as I don't expect the DWP to be in any hurry), and then having to pick a new one if we win the appeal which is usually a couple of months wait, normally when changing over cars you keep your old one until the new one is ready but that's not going to be the case this time, obviously. We're no mugs and will sort something but my heart goes out to anyone vulnerable or alone who won't know what to do or go into a panic. Honestly, how anyone from round here can willingly put an X next to a Conservative candidate beats the shit out of me.
  6. He definitely needs to cut out some of those wilder tackles, he's been a fraction off someone getting a red card out a couple of times especially with some of the Mr Magoo's reffing games in this league.
  7. What? Aren't they home to Wigan or something? Fucking disgraceful if that game's on, then again, why not if the Reading tie was on?
  8. That's exactly it. Almost certainly the appeal won't be concluded in time for the car going so that's us basically fucked. We paid a decent deposit on the car as well thinking we had it for 3 years, (we've only had it a year), Getting to work is going to be a nightmare as well if a kid on my shift is off, never mind shopping, taking wife to appointments, kids to school etc. Fucking Tory vermin.
  9. Well, after the wife had an assessment from some 'medical professional' about the move from DLA to PIP, quelle fucking surprise, they must've stopped her award. I say 'must've' not 'have' as we've only found out from a letter today from motability telling us they'll be taking our car on the 28th this month and if we're in the middle of an appeal they'll still be taking the car. So, considering we haven't even found out from the DWP yet about their decision, (but they were quick enough to inform motability), I'm not holding out much hope of getting a decision about an appeal before the car goes, leaving us without any transport. This is the fucking state of this country now, victimisation of the disabled and their families. The 'medical professional' was a joke, clearly scripted and the non examination had us suspecting the worst at the time, the kid couldn't even pronounce her condition and appeared to never have even heard of it. It's just as well these things are done over the phone as I'm fucking raging here, mind. I'd personally love to have a discussion about this with Ian Duncan Smith or one of the party members who have taken over the reins but I'm not sure whether the NHS would be keen on treating them after a discussion. Fucking shaking with rage, here. They blatantly haven't looked at any notes from doctors, professors and specialists at all. Pleased CT isn't on here ATM as I'm not in the mood.
  10. May clitoris waving instead. (It's almost like a small willy these days now she's getting on, it's about the same size as a Boldon based button mushroom, so they reckon).
  11. He's pretty careless in some of his tackles IMO, definitely has risked straight reds unnecessarily.
  12. Think it's a credit to the manager that we're top and he's got the wholesale changes working out with some limited players who were low on confidence.
  13. Anita is a passenger in any midfield, really. Needs at least two others with him to make him look decent, Colback can only play it safe as that's all he's got and am going to say that Haydon, from the games I've seen him has been a bit overrated by some to put it mildly. Still very much a work in progress for me at the minute.
  14. BTW, you can tell I've not being, (CT tribute there), following this thread too much. On pg35 at time of this post.
  15. It's not a big deal whatsoever to rayvin, he prefers milf porn to presidential porn.
  16. By a coincidence I watched it last night. No shock tbh. It's been heading that way for years. No surprise hearing your tale either. The missus had a pip assessment a couple of weeks ago and we're fearing the worst despite her DLA being a permanent award due to her deteriorating condition. Tories, eh? Aren't they lush?
  17. I got the V's from some kids at QPR once, not sure if they were relations of his?
  18. THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING! /sky Man U v Liverpool
  19. Ref having a stinker in our favour apparently. Ah well, makes up for Blackburn. Gayle a big worry, though.
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