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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Definitely underated. If he played at Liverpool all of his career or arsenal, man U etc they'd still rave about him now in a way they reserve for the likes of Zola, Bergkamp and Cantona.
  2. Missed the 'sensational' bit due to the err, sensational aspect of the scoop.
  3. Fuck me senseless, three (3) threads that I can see over there on Taylor. In one of them, a 'Mag' points out that it's embarrassing being on the front page of their local rag to which he gets accused of chomping on a Saturday night and implying an obsession. :lol: Another adamant that Taylor's claims it didn't happen are false because Murray is a Knight of the realm. (The correct answer obviously would've been 'who gives a fuck?). I'm not kidding here, a psychiatrist would have a fucking field day with some of these.
  4. Going nowhere because I'm skint and too much on. Also having 2 weeks imposed holiday on me due to work being useless. I hate being told when to take my hols.
  5. A few days later 'a certain Mr Watson died'. Who fucking wrote this shite? Sherlock Holmes great, great, great grandson on work experience?
  6. Main story on BBC news channel earlier including a ten minute interview with the MP. Unreal the disproportionate amount of airtime they give these fuckers. One MP! (Now zero MP's).
  7. I never hit this shift, copped for the 13 hr one a couple of times.
  8. The Wife asked for a breast implant op to increase the size of her jubblies as her mothers day present. I told her to just save the money and just rub some paper between her cleavage instead. 'Will that work?', she said. 'It's worked wonders on your arsehole.' I replied.
  9. I never said it was, it was his effortless lying I found amusing/concerning.
  10. Aye, comes across as a sound kid, by his words and actions, hasn't 'just' turned up but shows empathy and a real understanding.
  11. He 'ended Sheera's' playing career as far as they're concerned. If they caught him in bed with their 14 year old daughter they'd offer him a post coital cigarette.
  12. People who wrongly claim it's a Mackem/Geordie spelling usually give a shit.
  13. The amount of people, some a lot older than you, who repeat the mackem/Geordie spelling as an incontrovertible fact always makes me smile a bit. They obviously never 'trudged' through the 70s 80's etc.
  14. Aye, basically, the mackems couldn't dare have the 'nufc' version in their ground. I've absolutely no doubt whatsoever that whichever employee of NUFC who ok'd the sign had've put ha'way, then you'd be seeing howay on the Sol's seats.
  15. At least you're far easier to understand than I am to the average Irishman/woman. The amounts of smiling nods I've had from Irish folk through the years who blatantly haven't had a Scooby what I've said is unreal.
  16. No, ha'way is what the mackems put on their seats a couple of years after nufc put howay in the tunnel. Before both of these events numerous ha'way the lads was on nufc gear both official and unofficial plus banners etc. Football existed before 1992. The avatar is from a book I was bought as a stocking filler in 1989. I also had a ha'way the lads bucket hat also worn by Gazza when he went in the crowd for one of our games as a Spurs player. I'd link some pics but I'm on my phone.
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