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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. 'Oi! Facking penfold! Bishop's wrote aht a statement. Get the waiter's, next years transfer windfall and you to sign it. I'll be on holiday, dahn't call unless it's about big money or you'll never work again, fackin' capice, sanshine?'
  2. What a fucking joke of a club. What other club would have to do such statements? Charnley can fuck right off as well, the head shaking Quisling cunt.
  3. 'Mixed news, unfortunately it doesn't look like Marlon Santos will be walking up the hill to the cathedral on Barrack road. However ah managed to win the meat draw at the Seaton Deleval social club last night and am fucking certain Sandra behind the bar is after my sword of many delights. She said she luvved me new duffel coat. Fucking getting it!!!'
  4. Alreet, Dave we get the picture. You've got a lass.
  5. Can confirm that the prospective new owner is Billy Bullshit, current owner of Louisiana Loadashite.
  6. Wise old Chinese proverb; Man with plenty sum Can spend on clubs in brum. Man who can't die too soon Gets to stink out the Toon.
  7. and his actual business. (Debt collection now, apparently.)
  8. She looks like she's just been burgled and the kid's shit on her carpet.
  9. Some good reviews on there. You may wish to leave your own? (I know I did.)
  10. Put him in the Sahara, hands tied behind his back, make him walk for hundreds of miles with a rod hanging near his face with a bottle of water on one line, another line with a roast chicken hanging off it just out of range from his gob. Each item to have a '70% off' tag on them.
  11. Does he own any racehorses, silky pyjamas and a big bed in Hollywood? Maybe needs an old Sicilian message to help him see the bigger picture.
  12. Happy birthday Fish! (And renton)
  13. After his sir Alex Ferguson RIP dropped bollock he can fuck right off.
  14. Someone left a Ronny Gill lying about last night in work. Had a quick glimpse and somewhere early in his piece he says 'the man who said he would love it.....' etc as his way of telling his punters he's talking about Keegan. I hope he never changes tbh.
  15. Worst comes to worst he'll lose a constructive dismissal case. So what? £6m or so to get rid of a pest who's past his usefulness now we're back in the money and brand exposure league. He'll get someone else who'll keep us up but won't be so such a loose cannon. That's obviously his thinking here, the waste of oxygen that he is.
  16. Conswater > Abbycentre > House of Fraser > (flys to Newcastle) > Ghuras fashion, Shields Road, Byker.
  17. Renton and the fish slowly morphing into one poster.
  18. Aye, according to the Ronny Gill Rafa can spend 'SOME' of the mitro 'windfall'. (be still my beating heart!)
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