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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Mind, the crowd haven't done their bit as per usual Vs a small club.
  2. Barnes when starting a game on the right just never cuts it at all.
  3. Daughter reckons he looks like Princess Diana, I reckon he could be Claire Balding's son. Beat me to it!.
  4. Jimmy Scouler looking more like an old hard man football manager than an actual player. Get in, Minteh!
  5. Shouldn't have asked, should've got them telt!
  6. I hope Hall's injury isn't serious. Not sure what I make of that team tbh?
  7. Klopp on a Trivago advert just there, just seeing his false grin again.....
  8. Wolves bottle the pen shoot out v Bournemouth, could've put them out but missed then lose the sudden death pens, useless cunts.
  9. 2nd Napoli v 1st Inter if you don't fancy seeing Man City beat Plymouth at home?
  10. Keith. Don't think he's a bad egg tbh but I don't watch his videos as he's not usually telling me anything I don't know.
  11. Had a slight, I don't know how to say it, spat(?) with a YouTube NUFC fan who's old enough to know better, basically I noticed a video of someone where it looks like the point of his video is to somehow take credit for the club somehow acknowledging that the club wasn't formed in 1892. I commented on it saying it was common knowledge that the club wasn't founded then and used to be known as 1882 but was probably 1881. I also stated that it was just my hunch but the first I and others heard about the 1892 foundation was very coincidentally in 1992 when a skint NUFC were making a thing of it, maybe trying to punt centenary guff and using it as an excuse for our pre-season tournament featuring SBRs Sporting and Boro. Apparently what I said wasn't quite accurate? Anyway I replied that I've never taken the 1892 date seriously, NUFC memorabilia had 1882 on it and I even found an old NUFC programme with 'founded in 1882" on the club's details despite him saying the club hadn't acknowledged any date which I said was basically bollocks. The most amusing thing about this pointless correspondence was other people blowing smoke up his arse, thanking him for getting the truth out there and saying they had no idea about it, (you don't say!!) and generally praising his detective work. Fucking hell, I felt I was in some parallel NUFC mongaverse.
  12. I'd be the Terry Mac of the dressing room. The players would be too busy enjoying the crack to be dropping bollocks on the pitch.
  13. Who the fuck is Josh Widdecome when he's spectacularly failing to be funny?
  14. I can't see it as it's hidden, (wonder why?) Anyhow, here's 'windypants' mam after reading his thread..... "Good for you, Windypants! Glad someone had the guts to stand up to them at last! Coming over here, taking and our jobs and our women and acting like the own the feckin' place! Well done Windypants! Good for you! Good for you! I'd like to feckin'... [slipping and sliding on the muddy ground] Feckin' trendy, lefty, woke parents!"
  15. We've as much chance of winning this cup than we've had for a few years I reckon, (providing Man City don't not ramp up too much too quickly), I'll be gutted if we go out with a whimper.
  16. I've muted him, did the same when I was on twitter.
  17. I'd be happy being good around the dressing room for half his salary if anyone from NUFC is reading this?
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