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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. 46 places separating us and them. 34 places separating them from the non-league. Nice.
  2. It was one of the lads from RTG. He walked in the bar alone and announced to a bar full of mags what he was going to do and would anyone care to stop him? All the mags shit themselves and looked at the floor while he went in and wrote it. He then went to walk out but picked up someone's pint, necked it then said, 'Mags? Mugs more like' before leaving the building.
  3. You could hear Duncan Ferguson farting on the bench if he let one out at Goodison. Silencio.
  4. MH17 FTM Written on the bogs wall in Rosie's. Stay classy, Sunderland.
  5. Just had an update: We're now going out for 5 bells.
  6. Aye, and in a rather lucid moment the mushroom spoke to me and hauntingly whispered.....'That t00nraider2's a right fucking bull's clem, isn't he?' It was a very profound experience.
  7. I said I'd be out but can't really be arsed now. Still haven't caught up with my sleep from coming off Nightshift a couple of days ago because daughters.
  8. He's still on there and well. Also keeping an eye on cheeky cunts on here who bring him up from time to time in a less than flattering manner. I told him to get back on but he won't.
  9. Please don't thank me, I literally didn't mean a word of it.
  10. Well I have to say you're made your point quite eloquently by your standard......
  11. Next time I need some help with something I'm going to have a wank in front of Penelope Cruz. I'm sure she'll understand?
  12. Also nice to see Gallagher not forgetting the SAFC/Man City friendship* now that they're a million miles away from each other. *One of the many football alliances Sunderland have with other clubs. (No way he'd ever consider a Mag for a bouncer. FTM!)
  13. M to the L to motherfucking F. Everywhere!
  14. I'll put my thinking cap on, marra. See what I can do.
  15. Knew you'd reply. Minder? Professionals? Shite. Zulu's still worth a watch once in a blue moon. Just don't fancy a lot of what's on Netflix although it's true I don't give much a chance. Too busy to watch shite.
  16. Can I just go against the grain and say it's waaaaay overhyped. You're welcome.
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