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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. People have been sent home from work if they're in a vulnerable category, (not including the work from home mob who are already gone), place going to be struggling for skills across the site and I've had an uncomfortable night and feel a bit groggy, bunged up and generally shit. Would have no choice but to go in on Monday as I will only get paid SSP as I don't think it's the Corona at the minute. If it was I'd be on full pay for two weeks. Great.
  2. As someone who has had the misfortune of staying at hotels in Spain in the past where there's lots of British and seen the bullshit that goes on with sunbeds around the pool I can only say I'm shocked by the behaviour of some, shocked I tell you.
  3. A small plane runs into difficulty and there's only Trump, Johnson, a couple of school kids and Jeremy Corbyn on it. They're told there's only three parachutes to be had. Straight away Trump says he's not only the president but the brightest man in his country and needs to survive and picks one up and jumps. Johnson watches him and also states he's the PM and a product of the British institution of Eton, therefore one of the greatest thinkers in the United Kingdom and must prevail, he then grabs the second and leaps to freedom and safety. Corbyn looks at the two kids, sighs and says he's had a decent life, is getting on a bit and insists the kids use the remaining parachute and he'll strap the kids together. The kids tell him that it's ok, there's still three parachutes as the brightest man in America and the greatest thinker in the the United Kingdom both grabbed their school bags.
  4. They say great minds think alike don't they @The Fish?
  5. Wor lass does this every week until now where they're booked out for weeks, the cunts.
  6. Well 1st night back at graft, office staff who can are working from home, however we're still working but they've binned loads of chairs so we can keep some distance between ourselves when we're having a cuppa. Trouble is now you're fighting to get a seat on your break whilst the little Hitler's are sat in the house on mein kampfy chair.
  7. A quick note to the Irish lads on here from my good friend, Ray O'Sunshine* on this special day for all Irishman..... * @Monkeys Fist
  8. Was out the other week and we got talking to some Yorkshire kids. Can't remember how the conversation started but it turned into a 'guess our names' bollocks as if we were chatting some blurt? Anyway, I said I bet at least one of you are called 'Josh'. One of them said how did you guess? I said most twenty something knackers these days seemed to be called Josh so thought I wouldn't be too far off.
  9. @PaddockLad a mutual friend just been ordered home on full pay to wait and see how things progress because he also has asthma and even his workmates have been told to go home and only work in pairs for emergency call outs. They work on maintenance around the transport system. Meanwhile I'm expecting not to be able to socialise in pubs with friends or visit relatives but am ok to work alongside colleagues and sit with them in a relatively small bait room in my vital confectionery job.
  10. This is doing my head in. The eldest has just started working in a pharmacy, the youngest is still going to school, the wife can't work and I can't work from home and my job isn't essential and I'm due back in tonight. But we should 'avoid' stuff? 'If we can?' No surprises the UK is looking to be at the top of the charts for worst outcomes for where we're at on the timescale.
  11. The response and backtracking of those in power reminds me of.....
  12. @PaddockLad you're doing the right thing temporarily flamming it. Fucking scandalous you're having to. Why the schools are still open is beyond me?
  13. Aye, my job is non essential but I'd be surprised if they tell us not to go in until it's an official order from the government which they're not doing. I'm not in a vulnerable group, mind. Working from home isn't ever happening.
  14. Aye, that's why it was slightly amusing, it's usually a good thing but S&N used it to fuck over the fed lads when we bought them out for a temporary fix to a problem. They had my sympathy as to save a relatively small amount of money the company shafted them.
  15. Work from home. If you can't? 'Oy vey! Shit happens.'......seems to be the message coming across here. Go on the sick, mate.
  16. Tupe can be used the other way as well. We merged with another workforce and they were expecting our T&C's which were a bit better, (redundancy package four times better), our company said.... ......They told the the lads from the old company they'd be on the same T&C's as tupe demands. So a workers right which is usually a good thing was used to save a few quid when they knew redundancy was going to be an issue in the near future. God bless capitalism. It always finds a way.
  17. Lying arseholes with big pockets, isn't that right the conservative party?
  18. It very much feels like they're testing the water on stuff and reacting. I thought these fuckers survived two wars etc? Fucking useless. Btw, what's the crack in Russia? Are they immune to it as I've not heard a peep from that neck of the woods?
  19. My folks are in their 70s but my sister lives with them, she works with patients though as an OT so good news on the shopping front, not so good for chances of passing anything on. I'm a bit wary of visiting in case I pass anything on and one of my daughters has just started working at a pharmacy so thinking it's only a matter of time before we get it so want to keep my distance from my mam and dad. It's shit.
  20. It's quite telling that their worst flaws or flaws they see in other Sunderland fans talking shite are quite often described as 'Mag behaviour'. There's rivalry, I won't deny we laugh and take the piss and vice versa and that's normal but they cling to their part in it a lot more as it's all they have. They can't openly admit it and when they see it from their own they have to 'share' the blame, thus ''Mag behaviour', 'Magesque', 'bollocks! That's the type of shit the mags come out with' and of course the eternal and much loved 'Mag at work'.
  21. The wife's disabled, she usually does an online shop once a week from Sainsburys and sometimes Asda and I usually pop up to Sainsbury's of wherever getting bits and bobs that we've forgot or bits from elsewhere. Asda and Sainsbury's online shopping booked out for three weeks. So if you're disabled or would struggle to get out to shop and you have nobody to help you or do your shop you're fucked because a few more people can't be arsed to shop in person or think they'll beat the queue, whatever? If they expect the vulnerable and elderly to self isolate is their going to be any plans in place to actually feed and water them as well as making they're getting their medication etc? A plan and an explanation might be a bit reassuring if it's not too much trouble from our betters in government?
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