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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Called it years ago when he was in vogue. Really pleased I was right and what a club to crash and burn with. The first time I heard his voice on BBC Newcastle I nearly crashed the car laughing. He sounds like a Mancunian/Mackem Thunderbirds reject of the Parker voice.
  2. Just watched them getting beat by Portsmouth. Full on singing 'sunderland boot boys'. it's like me singing 'wise men say'. Fucking shameless. Not even joking. That's (one) of the differences right there.
  3. Time to sacrifice the Roomba for parts. It's what he would've wanted.
  4. Oh what a night! Late one evening back in '70 What a special time for essembee What a derby, what a night.
  5. +1 Fake news. That's her cousin. Her husband is the famous half Indian, half Geordie submariner, Gandeep......Gandeep Undawatta.
  6. "Yi came round on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday? Mala, your a canny kid but yi nee Craig David, wor kid. Lol. Laters"
  7. "So ah sez to Mala, 'Sheikh a leg, Mala' and he didn't get it. To be fair, poor auld mala literally cannit see straight never mind get the shit hot, rappy, err, raypery, err my razor sharp crack. Lol. Ryder and out."
  8. I also love the fact that Meth will be spitting that they've done a hatchet job on him not realising that it's any player who, (quite fucking reasonably in my view), wants away that they seem to stitch up. He probably had aspirations of coming across like a young Alan Sugar from the apprentice, (who is also a cunt), rather than being David Brent's younger, useless brother.
  9. You're cunt radar must've been on the blink.
  10. I think they're lucky it's Sunderland fans who are making the show, 1000% and they still come out of it looking shit. Also, while I remember, does slick boy Tory have a clue what constitutes a record? He said he wanted the third division record crowd then mumbled something about recent years. So he basically wanted Sunderland and by association, himself, to hold the 'biggest recent times attendance in Division three' trophy.
  11. That Methven. What a complete wanker, the 'Don' should come across as a bit of an arsehole but gets off lightly compared to that cunt. If he spoke to a normal bloke like he did with the Irish lass it would be sore jaw time. I'm only just past episode 3 so hope there's more to come.
  12. Aye I seen that on twitter and was going to comment but it's pointless sometimes arguing with those who are fucking clueless. As is the way with the international team, especially back in those days, was the established players stayed in way past their sell by date or players at clubs where the likes of Brian Woolnough etc would watch regularly. 94 probably would've come too soon for our players, not on talent but on getting recognition from pundits and journalists who would've had a lot of influence towards a managers selection despite that the manager's deny it. Rob Lee, Beardsley, Cole should've been certainties to be in the squad. If not for injury I'd even suggest Sellers being looked at. Howey should've been fast tracked and Beresford was unlucky in that the rest of football was still coming to terms with winger full backs IMO.
  13. PL walking down his street shouting, 'here, man! Am I not fucking entertained, here you southern Tory cum slops.'....before putting number one wet fart son to the sword.......
  14. Very fond memories. Was a teenager and went to the game with my dad plus my granda and uncle who were Northern Irish and over visiting us at the time so dined out on O'Neill getting a hatrick.
  15. Or a pizza shop in Walker. (Gemmill wouldn't have went in it).
  16. My eldest daughter has just started working at a pharmacy. Don't. Even. Think. About. It. Wykiki.
  17. I'm worried about J69. I think a large spider keeps walking across his keyboard or phone.
  18. Has anybody tried the phone? Usually works for me.
  19. I'd have been self isolating from day one if this was the criteria?
  20. I'm drinking a couple of bottles of corona on my days off at best or not at all as I seem to have a lingering headache from a head cold. No temperature or coughs so online 111 says no covid 19 virus. I can't even get pissed.
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