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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Aye, shame. He always comes across as a miserable bastard and to be fair, he was a cracking little player, far ahead of anyone else I can remember playing for them in my time. (Not a high bar, but still).
  2. We won't be getting Pochettino apparently as Kevin Phillips says he'll not want to come here as we haven't 'won anything in a long, long, long time.' Bless.
  3. His NUFC contract would've ran out this summer iirc? He'd have still been here but for Palace.
  4. I'm back at work tomorrow night. They'll announce it not long before I start my shift.
  5. Young Ant walking into a darkened cupboard in the BBC studios and senses a figure beside him: "Now then, now then, I am the actual Mr T and I've seen a letter saying you've been a good lad and want to meet me and work with the A team, hahahaha! Well young Anthony, my lad, Face, Hannibal and that crazy fool Murdoch are stuck in an abandoned warehouse where they were building a tank with a few spare pipes and an old pick-up truck but the suckers are surrounded by the army for a crime they never committed and need Mr T's help. Now then, now then Anthony, me young whippersnapper lad, you're going to have to help me, Mr T, to go help them. I have a specially martial arts trained swan who can scatter the army at the front whilst me and the the rest of the A team escape out of the back. Anthony, the specially trained swan has hurt his neck so I, Mr T need you to stroke it better. There's a Jim'll fix it badge in it for you if you do a good job, lad."
  6. We've got staff/managers walking around our place, (Think Graeber's 'bullshit jobs') enforcing* the 2m rules, thinking of ways to get around stuff, staggering starting times etc but you can't always work like that for 12 hours, it's impossible. If it's that vital we keep apart we wouldn't be in there, but we're not nice middle class work from home types so they're not going to pay us to do nothing. My place is a funny one, technically we are key workers as we are in food production, but as it's confectionery you kind of think, well, y'knaa.... ..... there's usually hand wringing around sugar taxes, healthy living, obesity, doom and gloom scenarios but now we're 'feeding the nation'. *Could lead to disciplinaries if someone is caught more than once.
  7. "Phwooooaarrrrr! Her dumplings are boiling over, alright!! Phwooooaarrrrr!" Etc, etc.
  8. Haven't had a shave for almost three weeks, last time I tried to grow a tache, around the 18 year old age I got that much stick from my mates I never bothered again. That was nearly 30 years ago.
  9. He's a character, anyway. Good luck to him as I don't think he takes himself too seriously and it beats working for a living but the conservative stuff is a bit harder, (lot) harder to excuse.
  10. A gimp is what he aspires to. You sense fuck all as you're incapable of it you daft cunt.
  11. Melanie.....would, most definitely. (Not Alex, though pinny or no pinny).
  12. I'd hate to see the state of their hemorrhoids.
  13. "Ya, ya, ya....what about ye?......hnnnnnn......sure, look at you on the back of your horse art getting pelted with rotten fruit, hahahaha......ya, ya, ya...... just been talking to yer man, daddy business guy and he's looking for some actionables on the fertilizer deal..... ya, ya THE daddy business guy, the man who literally shot me out his special business canon. So if you can get some one on one time with your little people and we can ace it? Anyway, as always, you're a qwair wee fella, so you are, ahm, hnnnnn.....have an Ulster fry on me, ya, ya, ya..... hahahaha...... ciao bella!"
  14. There's going to be hell on when Rayvin sees this.
  15. It's a family business. If he's not fucking around on toontastic he's walking around the family grounds putting the come hither on any particularly comely young village wench who toils away for his business. When they're afraid to look the master in the eye as he addresses them he knows he's the barnyard will be seeing some action later on.
  16. Not saying you're right or wrong on that score but is that a statement from personal experience?
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