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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I obviously get that the majority of people will be embarrassed/alarmed by it, but how can the authorities be ok with it? Mind boggling.
  2. I noticed a big tent outside the other day when I drove past. I thought, 'Wedding season?'
  3. So much for unnecessary journeys, then? Hope you're all, and will be, ok?
  4. Spotted in Washington Galleries bus terminal......
  5. 'Wu neyd ta mak the club restaront sound classy as fuck seying as wa putting the advert in Ponteyland airport. Any ideyas, teym?" "Put a K in front of carbon instead of a C, marra!" "Up there for thinking, Doon there for dancing!"
  6. They're not going to be a top flight club for a veeeeerrrrrrryyyyyy loooooooonnnnnnnnnngggg tiiiiiiimmmmmme. Shame.
  7. I was just saying the other day, 'I could fancy some pork & egg nuggets, mind.'
  8. I just can't get my head how armed civilians can wonder around shouting and balling and it's perfectly fine yet fucking Leroy walks down the wrong street and he's in danger of being killed by the police. Fucking weird country.
  9. @Christmas Tree a trailblazer on here when he went all Mumsnet it seems?
  10. Had to double check this isn't a parody what with the country trying not to die and all that. Vera Lynn sing-a-long anyone?
  11. There's a lot of people to feel sorry for at the minute but Bruce doesn't really fall into that category as I'm sure he'd be the first to admit himself.
  12. http://www.true-faith.co.uk/__trashed/ This is very much worth a read.
  13. It's funny how these managers we see through yet get castigated for doing so almost always turn out utter fucking shit elsewhere, washed up and eventually don't manage again. But they're all good enough for NUFC, though?
  14. Four years at Preston, three at Brighton, two at QPR, two at Osasuna, one at Man City and one at Liverpool. Sky sports:
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