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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Watching a replay of Fiorentina v Sampdoria. The kits, man. Simple, never change and stylish as fuck. Bonus points for Sampdoria as there's no sponsor spoiling it. (Compare their away shirt with ours or Man U's).
  2. I've heard a couple of tales of the famous Cornish hospitality, like.
  3. His supporters and himself will spin it as him being some kind of Superman/demi-god if it doesn't kill him as he'll have the best genes and anti-bodies to deal with it. The doctors will be in awe at how he took on the virus and totally killed it as his whole being, physically and mentally is awesome.....etc, etc.
  4. Was going to say similar but would've used 'dollars' instead of 'bucks' on account of not being American.
  5. He's happy paying more, being out of pocket etc because 'sovrinty'.
  6. These are the worst of the worst, like. We've never had a cabinet as bad as these and that's saying something.
  7. Shelvey translation: "Yeah two or three years ago we had an elite manager who was constantly on our back drilling us like fuck and who was quite happy to drop you if you weren't applying any effort or continually ignoring his instructions. It was a pain in the arse if I'm quite honest. Thank fuck for Steve."
  8. If he's so successful and rich why does he feel the need to keep telling people via Twitter?
  9. The thing with the Netflix show is that it was done with the makers totally onside, Sunderland fans themselves and hoping to highlight the club and big it up on what was meant to be a promotion year. Imagine if they wanted to do a hatchet job on them? Could've just used CCTV and phoned it in if that was the case.
  10. He did for long time. Verdict? Happy ending.
  11. Did you watch the match and see mourinho storming down the tunnel after the pen? No? Get in!!!! Exclusive!!!!!
  12. Lass to bloke: 'Ya yewzing that Lang stick cozza covid, marra?" Bloke to lass: "Nah, petal, it's coz ya minge is honking. FTM."
  13. Watching Roma v Juventus and I'm liking the giallorossi shirt. A lot. (Apart from the usual shit sponsor).
  14. They're renaming that end the 'Dragon' end so the fans can 'enter the dragon'.
  15. Not to mention the contents of your sack.
  16. I know you've all been frantic worrying, but worry no more, my test came back negative. Daughter had to leave school and isolate till I got the results, got them this morning, sent her in then her mate gets a call on the way telling them a classmate, (not in their bubble but whom they've had contact with) has tested positive so it was about turn before she even arrived. Apparently just hearing her mate's mam has been informed she can go back in so expecting a similar call pretty soon. It's all a bit disruptive, isn't it? I called in work and told my test was negative and they didn't even discuss the fact I'm not feeling too clever it was just a 'see you tonight'.
  17. Other than the supermarket once and work, I've been nowhere for over a week. Work isn't socially distanced properly although they pretend it is and one of the daughters works at a pharmacy and the other has recently went back to school. Could have caught it through all of those or more likely just have a head cold.
  18. Well I had a test today. Don't have a temperature etc but do have the cough and feel rough. Managed to get a test in Murton, past Seaham so a bit of a drive. Someone related to a lass who works with the eldest bairn had one today at Byker whereas I got stuck in Apache land. I was in a rush otherwise I'd have had a black and white scarf hanging out of the rear car window on the way down, (hear what I'm saying essembee).
  19. Poor cunt having to deal with sensational headlines that other teams who get embarrassed 3-0 at home to Brighton don't have to. #prayforBruce Fucking mealy mouthed arsehole, man. said the other day that comparing his patter, mannerisms, dynamism etc with Kevin Keegan was like comparing the force of a whirlwind with the force of a rather constrained, silent fart.
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