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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Some friends and relatives of squaddies or ex-squaddies are on a different level again.
  2. Forty seven but thanks to early nights, the best genes from a great family* and oil of Ulay I don't look a day over 45. *UM© verified. ✓
  3. We got big plastic hanging curtains as well as doors. They took the curtains down months ago then put them back up as they thought the contamination risk was more important than the covid risk. Doors are always shut.
  4. I'd say your lass is a bit more at risk than me, (hopefully not so much now she's had a jab!)
  5. It'll be my first shift back in tonight since pre-xmas and if I'm going to catch anything, I'd put the mortgage on it being at work despite measures put in place. Around 10% was off isolating or had it around late Nov/early December.
  6. I'm a key worker but we've never sent the youngest in, (Wife can't work). She's doing really well at the minute and has been growing academically for about two years now. I'm hoping it's enough for her results should the exams be cancelled but it's hard to tell. I tend to make teas but not sourdough quinoa Banana loaf fusions and the wife can't stand for long periods to do anything but simple sandwiches etc so she can can learn at home no bother, (just bought her a decent laptop so she doesn't have to use the slightly slow family one). The only thing that's sometimes problematic is making dinner quietly when she's in a lesson as the eldest comes home from work as she literally works round the corner. I think her school have done pretty well considering the debris of the omni-shambles from their old Etonian overlords raining down on them.
  7. Troops, mate, no offence but I really couldn't give a fuck what the pudding says.
  8. Obviously, his initial inference was, we're unreasonable and Brighton are just as shit and they're not moaning. Blatantly trolling.
  9. He was wondering why there was 'patience it seems' on the South Coast concerning Potter at Brighton despite them doing shit but I'm guessing, like me, he has no fucking idea if their fans are happy or not?
  10. "Err....is this the ferry across the Mersey, la?" "It is if you want it to be?"
  11. That doesn't really happen down here. Great bunch of lads, Sunderland.
  12. It's not like strolling down the copacabana for some chill time is it?
  13. I'm a pipe and slippers man, now. (Just remembered we're having cheese tonight as we never got round to it so far. Can't not have some red wine with cheese so after tonight I'll seriously consider knocking the drink on the head till the bars are open).
  14. Every time I've had lager the last couple of weeks, Heineken then Peroni, it's tasted flat and not particularly cold, almost tasteless. I'd suspect covid but I can taste food ok. Had wine and even fed up with that. One night I had jack Daniels double blend or something and I was completely fucked the next day. Had a bit of a drink yesterday but am considering knocking the drink on the head till the bars are open again. If nothing else it'll help shift some additional timber.
  15. I'm on the Tetley's tea today, like.
  16. Do you remember when we played our 100th game in Europe? Can't remember them congratulating us but I'll be the bigger man and on behalf of all Newcastle United fans say 'well done Sunderland'. "Actually, it's on behalf of '50,000 screaming Geordies'. Get it right!!"
  17. Giving him another year. Even worse than getting him in the first place. Smacks of the decision by the same numb nuts who gave a clearly disinterested and injured Colo another deal because it was easier/cheaper than getting another decent CB in. I can imagine Rafa not being interested to put it mildly.
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