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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Dropping like flies at my place. Either got it or isolating. We've got to wear masks, try and keep our distance, (impossible) and wash our hands regularly as well a few other measures in place. Anyway, bottom line......carry on regardless.
  2. Var! Huh! Ain't nothin' but a sky sports heartbreaker! Var, huh! Only friend, the Newcastle United penalty taker.
  3. Var! Good God, Y'all What is it good for? Getting an undeserved point at Tottenham, Carra absolutely stottin' Say it again.
  4. So who's reading this thread in the office/working from home, drinking a can of pop, (not peas, they're in 'tins') not really understanding the advice but then crushing the can and saying 'Yeah' in the style of a deep African American voice before checking their emails?
  5. I find the lack of belief in Britain and Brexit disturbing. We didn't win two world wars worrying about car parks!!!!! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
  6. He's always been overated, I wonder how many fancied the obscure BskyB gig when it kicked off? Hardly anyone had it in the very early days. If you got rid of him he'd probably get replaced by that smug cunt, Matterface. Matterface on sky, the even worse 'Fletch' on BT.
  7. Congratulations @Howay.
  8. You can fuck off if you think I'm clicking on that?
  9. He left out ex-con in his Reynolds description.
  10. Lad on my shift went home with it, another on the opposite shift had and they got a couple of lasses to clean where he'd been working. A couple of lasses in the vulnerable category. Meanwhile, in the offices, one of the people who weren't working from home got it and someone else sitting across the way was told to isolate as they'd been near the infected colleague. Truly one rule for one and another for the plebs at my place.
  11. It was worth sharing. (Could you forward it to the knight?)
  12. That's preposterous, are you saying intelligence could've blown a Brexit aeroplane up with..... sorry, wrong thread.
  13. He reminds me of Pitt the Younger. (Not the actual Pitt the Younger but Blackadder's version).
  14. Worst traffic for well over a year getting to work tonight as Christmas shopping + last day before lockdown = gridlock.
  15. I'm declaring victory in my attempt to have my wicked way with Penelope Cruz and Kylie Minogue.
  16. I sometimes wonder if any other clubs fans get this type of shit? I'll be over the moon to chase all these cunts out of football and start from scratch. Just waiting for the current cunts at other clubs to fuck off first before our cunts who don't even own us fuck off.
  17. Last man standing as usual*. Lightweights. *I may be on nightshift.
  18. Hope it keeps fairly mild, KCG.
  19. Outstanding article written by the late Mr Fisk absolutely nailing media obeisance which abounds today as well as damning the chronicle which is a Brucie's bonus.
  20. Name names. I thought we'd be beat, all day. Over the moon we won.
  21. Hinchcliffe and sky devastated Everton didn't get an equaliser.
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