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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Dyer can fuck right off as well the hypocritical twat, slaughtered us on a few occasions and bigged up Ashley, the backpedaling cunt.
  2. Nothing more than we've had to put up with for years so fuck'em.
  3. Always did. Definitely hated us more than the mackems.
  4. 'Top dogs' getting his cock out and waving it around in the third division, 'look at the size of this fucker, Morecambe!'
  5. Used to be amusing singing the pigbag song every time we scored against them. (I don't think they liked it.)
  6. He knows but we don't have a Boro message board gold thread because who's got time for that shite?
  7. Matt Hancock : 'I'm now working for the UN.' UN: 'No you're not.'
  8. If we're two down you can imagine a famous tune being slightly altered from 'cockney' to 'mackem' bastard.
  9. Fergus Craig? Your mate from your podcast? "Dave, do me a favour, about the new book, this massive Newcastle United forum you say you're in charge of.....you couldn't put a word in could you?" "Sure Fergus, wouldn't want you singing the blues! ....... singing the blues, get it? Deacon Blue? God I'm seriously wasted around here, last time I bring in the frozen grapes for Newcastle natter that's for sure."
  10. Is this the week we can say CT has finally got the hang of this podcast recommendation lark? (You didn't think you were getting away with the CT emoji, did you?)
  11. I'd forgotten about this pic, just look how pleased 'Coach Carvs' (© Knight Ryder) was with Colo's letter to the fans. We've went from shit like this being a semi-regular occurrence to hopefully being a club that wins trophies on a semi-regular occurrence.
  12. 'Fucking hell it's Paul Cannell' has to be exaggerated but is still funny as fuck especially the bits where he's playing in America off his tits most of the time making guest appearances on TV tripping out of his box.
  13. I don't agree, he was average twenty years ago, he was shite ten years ago, he's a fucking abortion of a manager now.
  14. The boy on the shed by Paul Ferris is superb and pretty moving. The best auto-biography of a footballer I've read.
  15. New boy Peter! Runs like a cheetah! Beardsley's going to be a world beater! Terry Mac! Welcome back! *We all love old supermac But Keegan is Keegan going to do his thing, going to take us us up, going to make us sing!* *Not sure if this bit's right?
  16. Aye, it's not an endorsement of Parlour and he's obviously not a total knob but.... I don't know? Anyway, I just don't think he's a great manager.
  17. You poor bastard. I was 18 in the promotion season of 92-93 which was fucking class, that season and the next my two favourite seasons, literally what a time to be alive! I even had a great time as a bairn 'watching' the Keegan, Waddle, Beardsley promotion year albeit I only got to one game.
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