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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Glens vodka and rich energy. #£8m #payoff #splashingout #Walkerhouseparty #icelandpizza #agadoo #Russabbotatmosphere #haystravelbrochure
  2. If you're in Leith try the Vine bar if it's still open? (They do a great bag of bacon fries). 👍
  3. Nowt worse than a stupid review, I always say.
  4. It's getting on on for November and the bloke hasn't won a game of football yet and the team looks frail as fuck but we can sometimes score......like loads of relegated teams who 'go for it'. How it's even up for debate with pundits about him likely being sacked and not really having any complaints about it is astounding.
  5. Typical Bruce performance yet it seems we're the only ones that see it? A Previously well drilled unit get picked apart with ease and it's happened from day one of his reign.
  6. "There's only one excellenty one around here, chief. Ah totally respect your filthy lucre and your camel riding skills but divvent get ahead of yourselves, aye?"
  7. That kid is fucking desperate even by mackem standards.
  8. Putting his pitch in to be sky's NUFC 'expert' if it takes off. Canny player but helped Robson's downfall and has been happy to talk utter bilge about this club to the likes of talksport for hatchet jobs on us for a few quid. Too little, too late for me, Ewerk. Fuck him.
  9. Steve Bruce was a good CB we should've had playing at this club 100%. His young'un might've done a job as a ball boy, I suppose?
  10. Dyer can fuck right off as well the hypocritical twat, slaughtered us on a few occasions and bigged up Ashley, the backpedaling cunt.
  11. Nothing more than we've had to put up with for years so fuck'em.
  12. Always did. Definitely hated us more than the mackems.
  13. 'Top dogs' getting his cock out and waving it around in the third division, 'look at the size of this fucker, Morecambe!'
  14. Used to be amusing singing the pigbag song every time we scored against them. (I don't think they liked it.)
  15. He knows but we don't have a Boro message board gold thread because who's got time for that shite?
  16. Matt Hancock : 'I'm now working for the UN.' UN: 'No you're not.'
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