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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Whistle blows..... Bloke on the mic: "It's never dull here!"
  2. I think he might actually be an MLF if a tale I heard was right? (There's one for you, RTG, you'll be like a babies arm holding an apple if that was true?)
  3. 'Barry in the box' was replaced by Robson and it went downhill until he fucked off after a year. The kid from century is enthusiastic and err, that's about it.
  4. The connection was Alan fucking Robson liked it and played it unless my memory is letting me down and that is more than enough for it to get fucked.
  5. There you go seeing you mentioned him, having a go at the Spanish and Yorkshire in one go....
  6. If you were feeling rough it would be a better choice than lager. That's just me though.
  7. He'll be like 'I'm an ex-Leicester City player tonight.'
  8. Hey, you're cute and lovable, don't put yourself down, you and CT are valuable members!
  9. Tyler and Neville talking about Ole's job? Don't they know he's got a family? Comparing him to the mighty fergie, he's doing a great job, why won't they give him a chance? Disgraceful treatment.
  10. I sometimes find I need to borrow an enigma machine to decipher essembee's posts.
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