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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Seeing that young lass in the same picture as Wraith doing his cum face.....
  2. Bless. Just makes you want to jump in windmilling all over the shop.
  3. Manquillo deserves a mention. Did well when he came on, makes a good tackle, gets up off his arse and makes the run for the one two then drives forward which gets us the free kick where we score.
  4. Is it fuck their best song. I agree with the working family man.
  5. Thinking of booking this. 😍
  6. No wonder we struggle to get younger posters on here.
  7. The feed switches to English speaking and now constant buffering.
  8. Actually not as bad a picture on a Turkish channel. Commentary better than sky's mob.
  9. Listening to the wireless, can't be arsed for the shit picture when we're shit.
  10. Only Sunderland fans love him. They're genuinely fucking bizarre.
  11. Had a redundancy meeting in the boardroom a few years ago with a few of us and a recruitment consultant there to 'help' us and give a talk etc, anyway, one lad who was a canny enough kid but a bit of a Knacker talked absolute gubbins to her and she was being polite and everyone was saying fuck all until he reckoned his mother told him there was no rush to get a new job, (he had two kids but was split up) but his dad said you need to get yourself sorted ASAP. The second he eventually rested his gums I piped up, 'Aye, they reckon mamma used to say, take your time young man' and we all had a good laugh but..... afterwards I was sitting next to a mate and for some reason the laughs at 'stonehenge' wouldn't leave us. I literally couldn't look at the cunt and in the corner of my eye he was on the verge of losing his shit as the lass was giving her talk, slightly irritated already by the mamma used to say interruption so eventually I gave up, kicked the cunt in the leg, got eye contact and it was basically the scene from life of Brian/biggus dickus. Cool story bro and all that shite but fuck me, the tears were rolling down. The lass was feeeewming. (Knacker was oblivious he'd caused it all).
  12. Feel like pure shit. Just want Asprilla back.
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