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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Aye? Well I've got up and made cups of tea and breakfast and that was before nine o'clock so the winning isn't confined to boldon.
  2. It's 'Wakey' apparently, or 'Waykah' if you're local.
  3. I wonder how long it'll take them to complain about parashewt payaments giving other teyums an unfair advantage when they're getting humped every other week?
  4. Fancied them to win tbh hence not watching them. I can see a few unhappy faces next seysun once the novelty wears off and they're getting twatted on a more regular basis.
  5. I was going to watch it but put the Scottish cup final on instead. Fuck watching them.
  6. This tale about his tail.
  7. That tale about Glendenning is superb if true?
  8. Meanwhile, at the latest meeting of the mysterious Tyneside businessmen cabal...... "Get on to our contact at Wembley. Under no circumstances are those fucking tramps to be allowed any big banners whatsoever." "I've already been in contact. Turns out they were hazardous so they've already been denied access." "What? What's the point in having a cabal of mysterious Tyneside businessmen trying to keep Wearside down if they're going to do our job for us? Do we even exist? Haha.... Hahaha.......hahahahaha."
  9. I don't know the lad but he was close to me at the match a few years ago and was on his fucking phone quite a bit while the game was on. Whether he was filming, taking photos, checking bets or social media I've no idea?
  10. Careful, stone Island on the auld lad, far left.
  11. Advice for the weekend, (They're thirsty for advice to be fair). SFW
  12. No Idea what you're talking about, I'm going on about nust or the alternative of the likes of wraith or that Keith bloke somehow thinking they're representing fans. I'm a member, I'm not on board with everything they do but they put everything out to the members to comment on/vote.
  13. "Ahv gotta ticket for the nonstop clipper to London for satdaz playoff but dint knaa if I should tak it with iz as ah might lose it or it'll get in the way. Should ah tak the ticket and risk it or not bother and hope the driver will still letiz on without it? FTM."
  14. I'm not watching it but I'm liking reading gemmill's updates on it.
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