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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. His name sounds like the new, in-thing, brand of white goods appliances.
  2. I noticed this but it smells like 'fishing rods lol' type crack to me so still bollocks. (Not bothered in the slightest as I'm not his targeted audience).
  3. Reminds of his commentator days....
  4. "Weew, the balls on this one! After the taxi rank job as well?"
  5. And that was the moment when it became a long shot.
  6. There'll be millions of us who haven't or have watched a bit like a car slowing down to watch a car crash but we don't count.
  7. Strawb in a couple of hours after getting back from Tesco.......
  8. Strawb could simply have said something along the lines of 'I'd rather slide down a giant razer blade on my japs eye then celebrate anything to do with a family born into absolute privilege who get lorded by the same people and their voters who would quite happily plunge the likes of us into abject poverty without giving it a seconds thought' or words to that effect.
  9. J69's white socks tomorrow when the bin men refuse to accept them....
  10. White socks were to be laughed at when I was at school, I couldn't give a fuck if they're back on fashion, some things just get hardwired and this must be one of them? I can obviously move with the times on most things tbh but this is the hill I'm dying on.
  11. That's great news if you love it out there, Andrew.
  12. It wasn't the size of his feet, it was the white socks, man! (Must just be me that thinks they look wrong on a bloke unless he's playing football and his team's socks are white?)
  13. Well somebody needs a ham shank.
  14. I'm sure he'll have a laugh with it and them as long as they're decent enough lads? (Starting to see the flaw in my argument).
  15. Going round to a mate's for a piss up with a few others. Him and another pal just helped shift the eldest back home this morning and I've had a busy week so looking forward to it then I've seen him post the bunting and a union jack with Liz's face on it in his back garden on WhatsApp. (They couldn't give a fuck really but I think they want an excuse). I'll just have to blank it out as I slowly get pissed in his outside bar.
  16. Running in a sack of spuds to looking like a sack of spuds. Cruel, cruel father time. (Great photos).
  17. It's the dancing isn't it? Could see you sliding over to him on the dance floor whilst giving it up for George Michael's 'outside' saying 'How you doing' like Joey from friends.
  18. Is that why he seemed to put Stevie's nose out? (As well as being virtually a mackem?)
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