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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. It was when our match v Liverpool was called off. Some subjects are more important than others and get to have their day out uninterrupted. The football mob must do as they're told and mourn their betters.
  2. I think he's got a massive, and I mean massive grudge against anyone remotely popular with anything fan related like Pearson, Wraith, the podcast crew, true faith and all them, he's very bitter, and also very obviously sozzled when he has these rants. He needs to be more like this board, or the majority of it who just take the piss out of them if anything.
  3. What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad? It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place
  4. I'll be out, making merry with the fam tonight, food and drink to celebrate yesterday's birthday and I'll make sure there won't be a sombre look to be had.
  5. I had a takeaway too as it happens but I scranned the lot. What a fucking cockney gimp, I'm more of a republican than him and he played for the republic of Ireland whilst I've still got my grandfather's old sash somewhere in the loft.
  6. As she's died on my birthday I'm apparently the next in line to the throne? I've already had to chase Nicholas Witchell from the driveway and the phone's never stopped.
  7. It's what she and the family would've wanted.
  8. Witchell has to be buried alongside her, surely?
  9. So she's gone do we reckon? On my fucking birthday!? I wish no ill on her but if this meant the end of the monarchy and Nicholas Witchell then consider this my birthday treat to TT.
  10. I remember taking notice of her on 'No limits'. Just discovered that show was a Johnathan King project. 😬
  11. 2 years after the queen's death..... Truss: "Now is not the right time to call a general election, the country needs stability after the recent death of our glorious and most beloved Queen Elizabeth the second."
  12. It used to be 'The king is dead, long live the king.' It now needs to be 'The queen is dead, don't call us, we'll call you, Charles and sons.'
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