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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. It looks like me, ayatollah and cath are the only ones working on Monday then? Reminds of the poll they once asked blokes which was 'what is your favourite thing about receiving blow jobs?' 55% said 'the feeling' and 45% answered with 'The peace and quiet'.
  2. I used to go in those paddocks closest to the Leazes end with my dad as well when I was younger but the Leazes was pulled down by then. It's funny the things that stick in your head but I always associate it with the clap clap song being at HT as well as Nik Kershaw's Don Quixote pre- match.
  3. If I'd booked travel and accommodation based on the game being changed to a later date I wouldn't be too impressed them changing it again. Not everything is transferrable including work holidays.
  4. Durex are bringing out a special commemorative black condom. Well you have to have some respect for the royal dead.
  5. I'll be at the game on Saturday, I'll of course respect the minutes silence, why wouldn't I? However, if they play the Royal Tribute theme ('22 Charles remix) straight afterwards I'm fucked if I'll be joining in. I just hope there's no help for heroes twat next to me who objects as I'll not be in the mood to listen to their shit.
  6. I'm in on Sunday night then Monday, I'll miss the vast majority of it and will get an extra lieu day so can't complain. The Ruperts in the offices will be off but the action men who make the magic happen will pay our respects through our work ethic.
  7. I'll take an extra lieu day no bother but waiting to go in on a Sunday early evening start for that particular week is the pits. Still not heard anything, no rush, I'm finished this week's shift pattern tomorrow.
  8. All that she wants, is another thousand year Reich, err, I mean baby, yes, definitely baby not Reich.
  9. I was expecting total dedication and a lot of devotion, and a lot of devotion.
  10. No news today at work about the 'bank holiday', just looked on the govt website and it's not statutory. Loads of 'its up to your employer' type answers. I've a feeling we might get a lieu day at best but will be in. (I'm nights on Sunday this week so would've loved to have got out of that).
  11. He put out a tweet this morning saying a big announcement will coming after talks with his backers and partners, reading between the lines I think he's putting a bid in to supply the energy pop for the queen's wake.
  12. I was just wondering about her lookalikes yesterday.
  13. That dodgy TV subscription some of us got automatically goes on when you put the TV on and she doesn't know what to do and when I've tried to show her she's deliberately been obstinate about not understanding it. So I've had Italian football on all weekend and there's been no BBC royal rimming on my screen for two days. She should've just listened to me when I tried to show her what to do pre-death.
  14. My lass had a little cry and thinks it's right the football was called off and thinks I'm being a bit unreasonable. We're tiptoeing around the subject tbh.
  15. I've mentioned it before, sometimes half seriously and usually in regards to brexit, but, this is probably the most tempted I've been to get an Irish passport, not for any European gain but just so I can mentally distance myself from the vomit inducing and almost sinister way this country is going, the BBC patently knew the queen was dead and couldn't call Charles king quick enough. To say it's been overkill is probably understating it. Their intent is to give the idea that the vast majority of this country are grieving and are 100% solidly behind the idea of a new king and it's so obvious. This is the true establishment in action and it stinks.
  16. The tweet.... The reply.... I can smell the fewm from here.
  17. Imagine pulling that shit for the hoppings?
  18. The ST packs were just a shit version of a blankety blank cheque book and pen so who gives a fuck?
  19. I've had to mute a few NUFC fans this last few days, mind, the ones already long muted I suspect would've come out with the same such shite. I'd of course have respected a silence at the match, I don't think it's up for debate that wouldn't happen at SJP but the fun might start if the muted types took umbrage if you didn't join in with some insanely shit chant like 'Stand up, if you love the queen' or sing the national anthem. 'Here! Why aren't you singing? Are you a leftie cunt?' might not get the response they were after?
  20. I won't call him anything other than Charles.
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