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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I can, I think...... Jack Ross, Tony Mowbray, someone O'Neill, somebody Parkinson and Chris Coleman?
  2. They're such, how can I say it? Cunts. Yes, cunts.
  3. My main gripe about that shirt is that it was the first Newcastle United home shirt that didn't have just the stripes on the back and as far as I'm concerned that is sacrilege, Diego.
  4. Can't remember that but I've blocked a lot of that shite out tbh. He looked excellent for la coruña but was signed by Shepherd for Souness who hadn't a fucking clue about anything including his signing which is one of the few things I believe when Souness talks about his time at NUFC.
  5. One of the worst shirts we've had, the player wasn't much better. Any Spanish wonder signing we make in the future has to incorporate the words 'Albert Luque wrapped it up' into a song about them or the chanters are shit and can only copy other club's songs.
  6. Bloodstained gold. (The gadgie presenting it had a paper cut but didn't realise).
  7. Was on my fire stick internet and the daughter has now put the playstation on and I can't be arsed, I've seen enough.
  8. Off air now, ah well, AH WASN'T BOTHERED ANYWAYS.
  9. 100 fans invited to meet players etc yesterday. All with a social media presence I'm guessing?
  10. Bloke on his deathbed talking to their lass says now he's not got long to live he has to know something, he says he's always noticed one of his five kids looks nothing like the rest of them, he asks if the fifth one had a different father to them? The wife breaks down, years of guilt come to a head and she admits that yes, the fifth had a different father to the rest. 'Who was the father?' the dying man croaked. 'You.' the sobbing woman replied.
  11. Just send me up with them, I'll tune the TV in and shit like that and will keep their sexual needs satisfied without getting them up the stick as I had the snip years ago. Everyone's a winner.
  12. I jacked mine in 2016 and wasn't eligible, as after that point I bought nothing from the club from match day tickets to anything else, the odd game I went to after that was somebody else's ticket. It wasn't that I didn't get one that pissed me off so much more that I wasn't allowed to even get in a queue. If I had the same chance as everyone else no matter how long they'd been going then so be it. It just reeked of self interest somewhere along the line.
  13. After having to endure 'innocent man' on smooth at work on a regular basis in the past I think he's a massive cunt too.
  14. I was seeing loads of 'amnesty' for those who jacked it in when Rafa left as funny enough this was a line for a few of them and indeed there was the 'When Rafa goes I go' campaign at the time wasn't there? Personally I ended my ST at the end of the sports direct arena season and only got it back when Rafa started the championship campaign but left a season before Rafa left as it was beyond any doubt by then that the fat cunt wasn't for changing despite having a genuine professional manager to be able guide him but, unluckily for me, didn't fall into line with the prominent 'when Rafa goes' people with the media voices as I was a year early so didn't get a single thought and also those that did fuck off then would have a better chance. Again, they say they had no say at all but someone made a decision and it must've been based on something? Now I've said before I'm a massive cynic of the ST going back to the first PL season for us which coincided with the move towards making the stadium an all seater. STs weren't the norm and I hate that they are now especially with the loyalty points system, I think back to some iconic NUFC games I'd have missed out on back in the day had something similar been around then but what the disciples of it forget is not everyone can always have a season ticket for multiple reasons. This doesn't mean they aren't fans historically and presently. The twitterati NUFC supafans who are lucky enough to be in the right place, right time with the means and circumstances which means away games are doable and who 'don't like to brag' do my fucking head in. In a sense I think they're massive hypocrites as the very thing they accuse the 'big 6' of, trying to pull up the ladder, they're doing themselves with the ticket situation including away games, and I say this as someone who could now only only go away once in a blue moon if at all so have no selfish interests. Anyway, fuck'em. Happy Christmas!
  15. Have you got the workwear yet? Manky, oily jeans that show your arse and manky t-shirt with manky jumper for winter? Also, have you been informed of the strict hygiene rules as in it being compulsory to never wash and stink of sweat? I think it'll suit you to the ground, MF. Chuffed for you. (You'll also need a 25 year old, never washed, football flag to hang at the back of your cab, don't forget).
  16. Heard this too and similar. Wanted cash for the club but he still wanted to keep money making parts of it. Whey aye, Mike, cracking deal that. Here's your £250m and keep the change.
  17. It was more than Pearson from over here, saw pics of the Geordie dentist and a couple more. Also notice it's been happening over here sometimes as well and then you get notices of informal discussions going on with 'fan representatives' and I'm pretty sure anything discussed will suit them and them alone. I'm still foaming about the decision to limit the small number of season tickets that went on sale to fans that had purchase history only after 2017 and disregard anyone else meaning someone who could've bought a single ticket once after that had more chance of one than someone who had decades of support and purchase history. Apparently it had nothing to do with fan representatives as I've already inquired but I'm not 100% convinced if I'm honest.
  18. One or several of the usual fan suspects photographed with the owners/players etc in Saudi. How the fuck do they get invited over there, who pays for them? It's one of the puzzling aspects of nufc since fatty fucked off and I can't say I particularly like it tbh.
  19. Desperate stuff from a desperate fanbase, I'd almost feel sorry for them but they don't deserve my pity.
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