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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Paul Jewel? Just noticed he's already been mentioned.
  2. I'd say the cunt Mark Hughes but isn't he usually sacked for somebody else to take the hit? Is one possibly Chris Hughton?
  3. Purely out of easiness and not buying other players.
  4. £25k if someone pays the other half? If we can get a few million and get him off the books then that's great but if not £51,000 a week for the next three years for someone who's not going to get a sniff of a game is a prime Mike Ashley shit sandwich he's left.
  5. I wonder what his wages would be over three years? It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine us partly funding his wages in the championship for the next three years. Apparently he's on £2.6m a year?
  6. And this is where Ashley/Penfold have left the building but clogged up the drains with their shite left as they've departed.
  7. I thought we'd still be paying Hayden or at least partially funding him, plus he's been injured iirc so can't see Norwich buying him? Shelvey and Wood were no brainers really, a decent fee in plus their wages gone.
  8. If money isn't too tight too mention then I've no real problem either, my concern is his wages could end up hindering upgrades in other needed positions if he ends up a bench player?
  9. His old contract was up in June '24, his new three year deal I presume wipes this out so he's here now till '26 unless someone pays us good money for him which I don't really think is going to happen. I'm not so sure this is such a great move if I'm being harsh on him, particularly with FFP in mind, we all love the effort but all too often that's all there is and he's so one footed it's painful. If he's upgraded and not getting a look in I'd imagine he's had a decent pay upgrade as well. This is no massive problem on a cunt 6 income but we're still tied into Ashley's 'who gives a fuck' deals and this won't start to be remedied until at least this summer and more than likely beyond that. Good lad and all that, grafts like fuck but is sadly a bit too limited in the long run, can anyone see him replicating his goal streak anytime soon or becoming Nobby-esque and putting crosses on a plate?
  10. He wears a blue jacket, Blue jacket, Blue jacket. He wears a blue jacket With dimples on his chin.
  11. Or they could've just spent two bob on Sunderland and with maybe one or two additions they'd be champions league winners considering how good they already are now with the total fluid football that's rocking the championship, soon to be premier league?
  12. It's just a case of xW and xP regarding Everton and relegation. For those Granda, last of the summer wine types who just can't grasp it, it's the expected wants Everton relegated people compared to the expected predicts Everton will be relegated shoot their bolts types.
  13. Napoli wants a word with the Viz/Savage......
  14. There's one fan TV cunt of theirs, saw a clip of Neville and Carragher doing some talk thing, (utter shit btw), with all these pricks from the TV fan channels including ours in the audience, and Neville, how gracious of him, condescends who he thinks is in the correct pecking order of things and casually just mentions to the Everton TV prick that Everton, Leeds, Newcastle are on a par with with each other, when, at that very moment, my screen shattered as this unbelievable high pitched scream emanated from the middle aged, Everton tracksuit top wearing dwarf......'NEVER!!! NEVER!!!!!' Now him, I'd like to see presenting his YouTube channel from outside a league one ground, the jumped up©(PL) little cunt.
  15. Once upon a time I'd prefer Leeds to go but that ship has been well and truly overtaken by Everton. Forget the internet, social media dipsticks, just the fact that they've stunk the place out for a while and twisted like fuck is reason enough, they wouldn't be missed and could actually come back rejuvenated in an ideal world for them. Five good years in the 80s, (starting almost forty years ago btw) and half of their fanbase thinks they're the Inter Milan of Merseyside. How many were old enough to see it? What about the two titles in the 60s? How many watched that? Very few, it's as much history as our honours which is not to be knocked, it's just funny how history is so important to the usual gobshites unless it's a rival club who you've never seen win anything but your own club, who you've never personally seen win a fucking thing, is all about the 'history'? Time to go, lads. Take a breather in the championship, it's been well overdue and that Wimbledon game in the 90s was dodgy, and I mean, dodgy as fuck. Segars basically kept them in the division as he was on the take.
  16. It's protectionism and we all know it. If only they scrutinised the grifting cunts who rinse a club and have that club in the doldrums for decades or even worse? In that case all you get is 'it's a shame' at best and they move on straight away but if it's a traditional old club getting some overdue investment to genuinely challenge the new 6 order then they're like a broken fucking record. Do your job and spotlight/protect the Derby's, Blackpool's and Bury's you absolute, fucking charlatans otherwise it looks to me as if you're just full of shit despite the stroking of chins on your poncy fucking sky shows or radio phone-ins showing psuedo-concern. Fuck off, man.
  17. Looking at the table, at least one of Everton and Leeds are going down with the only hope of them both staying up is Forest in 13th nosediving as I just can't see Wolves, West Ham or Leicester going down as I think they've got too much quality. If Bournemouth had a run both Leeds and Everton could go but I reckon only one of them is biting the bullet.
  18. Caught a bit a bit of James Richardson, who I normally like, coming out with 'Almost Saudi v Qatar if they buy Man United' to describe Sunday's game and if they're playing that game how about USA v USA for Liverpool v Man United? Italy v Italy for Leeds v Watford etc? It's fucking tedious tbh.
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