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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Honestly, I feel like walking into the HR offices and going all Al Pacino*/Al Capone with a baseball bat. It's pure vindictiveness as it happens too often. You hear these stories about Clough blanking any injured players but I'd take that over these cunts. *Of course I meant Robert Di Niro
  2. Well, after this lingering on and after finally getting some tests done last week it turns out it wasn't a viral infection they kept insisting on but caused by a nasty bacterial infection almost certainly caused by food poisoning. Anyway, just been issued antibiotics yesterday, I'm feeling a lot better but still not 100% yet. I've got to do another couple of samples in two weeks in case there's anything else causing it and am due back to work next week when the antibiotic course is finished and the symptoms are gone. Now for work. You know the buzz phrase going around football lately where good teams 'find a way' even when they're not on song? Well, got a text this morning from my manager informing me that HR are not accepting my sick notes as they can't make out the dates properly and are a bit blurry. I attached them to an email to my manager but everyone came back as unsent so I assume his work email won't accept external emails. I told him and sent a screenshot of them to his phone, he got them and said he'd give them to HR. I sent the first on on the 13th June, the second a week later and the third on the 27th. Our wages cut off date is around the 9th. Only today did someone decide to let me know they had a problem with them so I've had to print them off then drive to work and hand them to the gatehouse in an envelope addressed to the new manager and old one. If they don't sort it in time I'll probably end up with a quarter of my usual wages instead of the lot. I said to the wife I had a feeling there'll be some kind of booby trap laid by HR but couldn't imagine what? So as usual whenever you need to deal with HR they end up finding a way to fuck you about. If there was a genuine problem why wait till now to inform me? Just as well I'm virtually recovered to get up there and if my pay is short later this month you can take it the bank that H will well and truly be on. Absolute set of cunts who are deserving of a hiding they'll never get who have a genuine loathing of the people on the shop floor and go out of their way to find a problem. I'm fucking fizzing here, like.
  3. I vaguely remember watching it but thought they used the baseball ground. (Probably used both for different series).
  4. Motorists and cyclists are both cunts with some exceptions. I loathe driving 80% of the time.
  5. That sounds about right as well. Might have been reading? Anyway, whatever it was it made Norwich v Ipswich or Brighton v palace look the old firm match.
  6. I think Luton hate either Oxford, Watford or both but I can't remember exactly but I'm sure it's one of them as I thought it amusing when I read it years ago.
  7. I think that quote was attributed to him from a Milan fan/journo with a grudge. I wouldn't take it as gospel especially from Albert.
  8. 60 reasons why I really, really love Sunderland and they're the best by me, an internet Ipswich fan called the witch. 1. I learned if I said I didn't like Newcastle I'd have my arse licked so dry by the locals it'd be like sandpaper by the time I got home. 2. Bobby Robson connection. Apparently he supported Sunderland according to the locals so there's that. 3. I've got no friends normally so it's nice to feel wanted by people even needier than myself. 4. The 'Jon Stead' derby. 5. I got a free breakfast at my hotel in Sunderland. 6. I also enjoyed spaghetti bolognese at a local cafe and the owner told me he only uses the best sources for his meals and that my spaghetti bolognese was definitely a Heinz tin and not from lidl. 7. We're both not getting into the premier league any time soon. Etc, etc......
  9. See this, @ewerk? If your lot had the same kind of massive lad's balls that these massive lads fans have you'd have got your local councils to stop the 12th of July marches going through your communities quick as you can say 'didn't happen.' Nee Mag marches in South Shields with boomboxes here, marra, not on auntie Nora's watch.
  10. 'What's the matter with you, Malcolm?" "Pride, Tracey. Pride but also concern. All the other sixtayn year olds out here in Turkey are going to the all inclusive bar and getting pints just wearing holida t-shirts tryan to look all grown up but our Jordan is just wearing his lads shirt. I couldn't ask for a better step great grandson I really couldn't. But if he gets knocked back and av gotta to get up to get ma own pint eyze makin his own way back home from Ponteyland airport, am telling ya now. FTM."
  11. Should've asked them if they knew a Sunderland fan formed their club? Missed opportunity there, Wykiki.
  12. I thought he'd have been too shy, shy, hush hush, eye to eye to get involved in anything like that?
  13. Pleased to hear it. Was it 'Wise men say' by Elvis?
  14. Maybe CT could lend him the Panama?
  15. 'So when I moved on to slide 3 the bloody thing went haywire and put last years KPIs on instead but when I mentioned it and apologised everybody had a great laugh about it. You had to there, honest.' Fish's mate......
  16. Gone native, for shame. Nee need for that, like. Lad's just sharing a photo.
  17. I've rejoined, been on a couple of days, now getting nothing on my feed on the app, uninstalled, reinstalled, turned phone on and off keep getting stupid messages, finally got on via the web and I've deactivated the account. What a monumental cunt this musk is.
  18. Their dad..... "Are you not entertained, Stawb? The fucking Dambusters couldn't have dropped their bombs with more precision than my eldest dropped his load in the portapotty there, man!"
  19. When your lass first brought the idea up your response should've been.....
  20. Need one of those twitter warnings on your posts specifying that it could be false and unverified rhubarb.
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