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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Pearson would have something in his gob other than a snickers if gemmill had some quality time alone with him.
  2. Steady on, lads. But thanks. (Yesterday was a bit frustrating dealing with a few things job search wise and had me on a real downer tbh so reading the sky post shite was definitely wrong place, wrong time).
  3. (and my kids might end up feeding me rather than vice versa which is just a great prospect for me).
  4. I'm going to lose my job soon, the welfare system isn't really going to help and the job search isn't going to plan so far. I'm in a bad enough mood atm as it is without seeing shite like this. (I haven't got sky and I'm still in work btw so zero chance of getting it when I'm out of work).
  5. You sound like one of the Knight's loyal punters, tbh Alex.
  6. BMW hating is so yesterday, Range Rover drivers are the bigger cunts these days. Put them up against a wall, I say.
  7. If I'm ever being questioned in a some tribunal I'm having this cunt as my representative.
  8. Well my NFC wasn't on as I wasn't aware it needed to be so I couldn't get in. Good luck to everyone trying to get tickets this season after a 100% failure rate it's a case of.....
  9. "Why didn't you tell me you worked for the cabal of mysterious Tyneside businessmen, Tom? I thought you were just some two bob mackem bastard trying to get me to pay for their elevator to be fixed." "The mysterious cabal of Tyneside businessmen don't like their name to be banded around, I only have one client and it's them." "What can I do for them, Tom?" "Get Sandro off by tonight or tomorrow you'll be sharing your bed with Khartoum's head, bonny lad." "Mamma Mia!"
  10. My two both had periods in the junior school where they weren't really playing with many kids so I totally get the frustration, it's horrible and there's nothing you can really do or anyone you can blame. It just needs a bit of time, a word with the teachers to make sure they're involved in stuff and I'm sure it'll fall into place.
  11. "Ya knaa me, ahm nee grass, you keep your cards close to ya chest and say fuck ahll. But. When it's an international break and stories are slow, when you can get away with a quick made up retro piece from Kevin Scott then get down to the monkey bar to have a few moretti's you'd think everything would be cush. Wrong. Ahve had a few and am feeding the fucking bandit but the bandit isn't playing back, fifty fucking bar ah dropped when ah was virtually doon to BFH, bus fare home, so sat down to finish me pint before fucking off home. Then what happens is Sandro Fucking Tonali walks in with his olive oil voice and Guinea charm and puts a quid in the bandit and it drops the lot back to him including me fifty fucking spondoolies. NUFC hero or not ah was onto the Italian FA quick as a flash. Fuck him! Made iz feel a bit better afterwards, lol! Laters. Ryder and Tonali's out."
  12. "Enough with the negativity, already, eh?"
  13. "How's the untouchables, did you say?"
  14. "Tell the gullible Wearsider the Stadium of Light lift is out action again, there'll be no repairs until the Sunderland board can agree a cheap loan with Gorilla for a few bottles of some super glue."
  15. "After you've told the mackem about the screws story, tell him to go to Screwfix and ask for a longstand and some tartan paint."
  16. I don't think inter will be too happy paying us compensation, mind.
  17. There's no real lunatics on here, really.
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