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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. That's Eddie telt, good and proper. Imagine, imagine, imagine if Eddie had actually mentioned Sunderland or ever given them a moment's thought? Said it before but some of Sunderland's managers meant either nothing whatsoever, (the one's I knew, not some of their more recent ones), or some of them seemed decent enough blokes, Mowbray would go in that bracket, Reid, Crosby etc. They just can't see past the bitterness and are too thick to to realise it.
  2. Eeeee, we woulda been top dogs of the north east if it wasn't them meddling, great looking, nails MLFs putting us in our places on a regular basis. Sad.
  3. Just seen another clip, 'Sunderland till I die! Cmon.' What a hero as he runs away from Howe.
  4. What does he say? Only thing I can vaguely make out is 'come on' but I'm not sure?
  5. He's painted himself into a corner. Get on with it Barney Rubble.
  6. Sat in the garden, shorts only, ice cold glass in hand, listening to Bob's casino and other new* picks I've downloaded recently from Spotify feeling zen as fuck , holidays haven't been this great for ages, melting away the hangover with an icer or two. *To me
  7. I'm not really sure I fancy it to be honest. The nebosh stuff that is, the library stuff sounds cosy.
  8. September 8th 2024 "Hello? Mr HMHM? It's the hospital, about those tests we did a couple of weeks ago, are you sitting down? Oh! Silly me, before I give you the bad news.....Happy birthday!"
  9. Don't get me wrong, I knew it was coming but the timing was a bit special, just like last year when the royal chief decided to pop her clogs and my birthday was basically the wife virtually in tears watching the news.
  10. I should've became the FiLs 'Apprentice' years ago when I started seeing the wife. I did a few weeks work with him and another lad who was helping him when I was laid off one time. He didn't have a legitimate business as such but the skills would've been invaluable. Trouble was the money was decent and reliable when the phone call came in to go back to my work and once taken on full time it was a 'job for life' (or so it used to be, I was just born too late and naturally they shut it down and moved elsewhere because fuck the NE). Hindsight is a great thing but back then the FiL was very, very hard work especially showing you what to do, you basically didn't understand a thing he said and he just refused to elaborate.
  11. On a completely unrelated note and getting back to my redundancy, here's a puzzler for everyone. All the tax breaks these cunts have been keen on for certain people despite spreading austerity for everyone else but one tax non-break that sticks out like a sore thumb yet I've never heard anyone mention it is the tax fee redundancy payment being the same today as it was when I was made redundant from S&N in 2007! It hasn't changed and is still at £30,000. Now people might think what's the problem but this is a potential company payment, not a government one and you're ultimately losing your job to get it. If a company decides to give you a decent redundancy payment these cunts have obviously not put the tax free limit up for at least 16 years, (I'm pretty sure it's longer than that as well although a quick look isn't conclusive) because, why? Is it their dogma that the more money the plebs get, the more likely they'll want to stay out of work? It's funny what tax breaks they're interested in and which ones they're not.
  12. 'Didn't have pebbles, used PVA glue instead.'
  13. Wouldn't have expected anything else but a real good straight edge.
  14. How absolutely, unequivocally tragic these cunts are.
  15. We're going to try and fix the roof situation on Monday first, he's bringing a grinder and I'll have to try and cut away some of the rendering to get down to the lead flashing and put it right but I'll have to convince the almost 80 year old to let me do it as he can be hard work and thinks he's still my age. Afterwards we we might tank the small area around the house plus make sure there's a better gradient when putting the bricks back down. I looked last night and saw your suggestion so will see what he thinks but the area affected is relatively small. That's a disgrace, Rents. I've been fairly lucky for stuff like this, any mistakes or discovering unknown problems halfway through the job has been sorted. Most stuff I've had done in the past is people either I know or people who know the FiL.
  16. If it was a choice I think I'd rather watch the Saudi Arabia game at SJP tonight or some gay porn than this.
  17. Well I'm fifty today, alongside the birthday cards was a letter through the door from work giving me my official notice of redundancy...... ..... And then a potential problem confirmed by the missus step dad, (who was a builder), whilst he was around with the MiL, water's getting into the house as a small part of the paved brickwork is near the damp proof course and isn't flowing away in the opposite direction coupled with the rendering we got done a couple of years ago going over some lead flashing near the roof which directed the water away from our extension and into the guttering so it's coming down the wall instead onto said dodgy paving. Perfect storm and that..... P.S. Also got an email from the careers service woman informing me, (after I'd emailed her last week wondering what was happening with a course I'd applied for months ago?) that the DWP knocked back my application last month but the DWP bloke, the bloke at work seconded to this and herself didn't bother letting me know. Great. Why would I want to know that?
  18. I picked a superb fortnight to be off.
  19. My European trip this season will be mostly Byker Sands.
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