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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I can't stand the little twat but tbf I've no idea what the song was either?
  2. "If anyone wants put out of their misery I'll suffocate them with my pillows."
  3. Yes and yes. We knocked out Liverpool on pens only to get beat by fourth division Tranmere in the next round.
  4. Another cursed ground. I literally cannot remember beating these away, ever.
  5. I've had similar conversations with dopey England fans on holiday during international tournaments. I sometimes think they think every holiday person speaking English is fluent in 'The Sun' and get surprised when they get told they're talking shite. Was the superb Liverpool side of '88 of all teams.
  6. I think after 30 minutes they get Dan Burn to lift him up and pat him on the back to get his wind up.
  7. Trippier has been immense but he's having a mare lately with some some shocking fuck ups, a lot is down to fatigue I totally get it and wouldn't crucify the lad but it's cost us greatly again. The closer it got towards the end, the more they were running out of ideas the more likely I thought they'd score, I loathe playing these cunts away over the years, it's a fucking cursed ground even when we do alright. Ref was the definition of homer for the run of the mill but redeemed himself spotting the dives, should've booked them earlier though. Can't wait to bolster the squad then swat these away in our away games in the future.
  8. As ewerk says there's always some cunt on here, we're a message board of cunts but cunts can sometimes take the edge off the shit. Sorry to hear it got so bad, glad you're still with us and trying to actively help yourself. Definitely stay off the booze whilst you're feeling low.
  9. We'll be going out tonight. We've just been given too many hard ties. Could win it as a one off no bother but I can see them being a bit fresher, a bit more at home and a bit luckier as this is how these things pan out after two harder games on paper in this competition. Goes without saying I'd love to be wrong and a full away behind that goal gets to mock these fuckers from yer Kings fackin road as we march on to the next round.
  10. He's no Shane Ferguson, that's for sure.
  11. "....and if I see Chuck from the good 'ol USA tweeting about getting tickets, alright if he's just on the bum, but if he actually gets a Sunderland ticket ahead of me I'll be, HOW! CHUCK, NOOO!!! I might not know the way to San Jose but I'm pretty sure I could get to the fucking stadio del shite!!!"
  12. Never see huffy responses like this from non Liverpool or Man United pundits do you? Nor would it be allowed to run by the presenter if there was an attempt by a Shay Given to give an example. Still remember Beresford being totally shut down by hairy hands for having a go at Gary Neville who had been a tit on the pitch, never saw him on a sky match as a pundit again.
  13. Was it Keane or Neville who went overboard on Rafa? 'they'll get football done away with'? I wonder if they were as scathing tonight?
  14. The absolute pelters Rafa got for being defensive against far superior teams yet Man U's expensively assembled side get a well done Mr Ten Bob?
  15. Embarrassing patter from that knacker, not even trying hide his Man U arselicking.
  16. Earth, wind and fire - fantasy Mariah Carey - sweet, sweet fantasy RTG - Fucking tragic fantasy
  17. Mines the worst of both worlds, have to shave it all the time I've black hair back, sides and some on top. Don't shave and I look like I've got alopecia.
  18. Tbh this is likely to be my countenance should they be unreasonable....
  19. I have to go to the jobcentre tomorrow and go through whatever bollocks they give you these days, (Think Cameron has only just gotten the PM job last time I was there). Tempted to get suited up and pretend I'm there for an actual job interview. At the end I'll ask when I'll find out about the job?
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