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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. 12.26 today.... What a sad, sad cunt I am.
  2. I had to go to Sainsbury's instead of just Wallsend as I needed more than veg. Parking wasn't straightforward and the shop was full of 50/60 year old couples blocking the aisles while they discussed what they needed but I knew what I needed, had the scanner, sharp got in and out and drove out the sneaky way so was back home within an hour. I was thinking of getting the wife some perfume she wanted but she says the silver link is stowed off so it's the thought that counts.
  3. I've absolutely no idea about a sparky being present when that job was done bit everything was piecemeal and took what seemed forever. If I could be arsed I'd get up and pull the dishwasher out for a better look but I don't know how much give is on the waste pipe and I can't be arsed plus don't want to damage the floor plus can't be arsed.
  4. I've got the same problem with the water. I've checked the gas and leccy and both are earthed, (to this layman's eyes), the water I simply can't remember but we moved it the stopcock from what is now our living room to the extension. The initial plumber was newly qualified and hopeless so fuck knows if the earthing is behind the dishwasher or in it's original position, (there's a tap on the outside wall where the sink in the original kitchen used to be). A sparky can test the stopcock to see if it's earthed apparently if he's limited access to it and can't see the earthing? (PL will know if he hasn't turned into charcoal whilst replacing a light bulb?)
  5. It's old houses from at least the 50s if not earlier. The electrics are sorted internally but obviously the main supply in is down the DNO's and when they were put in the houses had scullerys and the like and I'd have probably had a tin bath?
  6. It would be 7kw charger I'd say. Combi boiler shower, gas central heating, everything else electric. I think the electric companies are bothered two houses could potentially get a lot of new electric heavy equipment and there's only one main supply for them both so would rather de-loop them and solve a future problem?
  7. Those 'pies' with no base or sides can fuck right off.
  8. It'll probably take the load no bother but they tend to say no unless it's de-looped.
  9. No I haven't got in touch with them yet, I think the installer needs to inform them first but they tend to not like the idea of it and in the next few years I think they'll phase them out as it's generally older houses that have them when heat pumps, solar panels and EV chargers weren't planned? Plus it's future proofing them so it's going to happen eventually.
  10. I haven't got a charger yet? I'm not ordering the car till I know I can get a charger installed, if it's too much hassle I won't get an EV if I have to charge away from the house, it's too expensive and impractical.
  11. They're actually a big problem, you can't get an answer out of the cunts and they want you to sketch a plan plus take a few photographs. I just got a local sparky and asked for a quote if it wasn't going to be a pain in the arse, (this was before I realised I might be on a looped system). Still waiting to see what he says but he reckons the The local electric board are a pain to deal with?
  12. Loads around our way. This is what I'm talking about.... I'm diagram one by the looks of it so the main cable from the street goes to mine then loops out into their house.
  13. It's patterned concrete so if they had to dig it up it's not going to look the same. They won't have to pay but I might for anything at my end? It'll take more than a day, civils would probably dig it, sparky would replace then they'd make good but I don't want to give them the headache, there was an ambulance there the other day and I'm not actually a cunt.
  14. The two cables coming out the bottom. The second cable is the loop going into theirs.
  15. Ok, toontastic moral dilemma time. The wife's motability car has been extended so we're not in a contract anymore, there's a very good deal on an electric car which is a top spec for it's type, our utility supplier has been taken over by octopus who have EV friendly tarrifs so all's looking rosy but..... Our meter is in an awkward spot so won't be a standard installation for a charging point. After trying and failing to get through to the motability affiliated battery charger supplier I got a local sparky to have a look but while waiting for him to come I looked myself and my electric supply is almost certainly on a looped system with next door which means for an electric EV charger to be installed it'll have to be unlooped by the electric board. What that means is next door will have either their garden or driveway dug up then put right after they get their own supply. My dilemma is they're in their eighties, their driveway is patterned concrete and I don't want to put them through any of that shite. It won't cost them a penny but they really don't need that hassle but economically, it's a good deal for us to get the EV car IF we can get a home charge point. It's fucking doing my head in! The alternative currently available hybrid cars on offer in motability are either not suitable or too expensive. I don't know what to do? I don't normally ask for much but they're canny frail so I'd feel like shit putting this on them, it'll happen anyway at some point as the looped properties will be modernised in the next few years but do I just wait till time takes it's toll and let the electricity board do it then?
  16. I usually pop into one of the greengrocers in Wallsend, saves the hassle of Sainsbury's where it's rammed with cars getting in and out. I'll pop in tomorrow.
  17. Did the YouTube lass get desperate for content after her twitter spat with chopra and do a one off joint recording with him calling it a 'Lost Cherry' production?
  18. I used to work at the Tyne Brewery so I wasn't best pleased when they fucked off tbh!
  19. "Audrey asked me if I wanted get stuck into her hairy, I say, her hairy pie, Ashley!" "What did you say back, Dad?" "I said, 'Audrey! You know, I say, you know I don't like pies!' I don't know why she asked arr Ashley?"
  20. It hasn't been made in Newcastle or anywhere near Newcastle for around 15 years.
  21. I've heard some of them turn up at the door looking like Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, checking out not only your wife's tits but also the state of the house noting how many pizza boxes are lying around, the latter being a prop for small talk, the former to be deposited in the wank bank but then again, I'm sure this doesn't really happen in real life does it@Monkeys Fist
  22. They're playing arsenal on Saturday, he's getting the crowd pissed off and as riled up as he can as he knows there's a fair chance they could get beat and he's trying to get as many things in their favour as possible.
  23. 🎵 This means nothing to me..... Nothing to meeeee, ooooh bravadooooo🎶
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