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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Not up as early as that. Yesterday's plans for today changed just now because women. Now got to fit visits to parents and parents in law in, make and have dinner and do it in time for the daughters going to work for a couple of hours before seven. Wife's decided she's going to go in the shower now and her step dad isn't available to visit right now as he's visiting his daughters and won't be back until after dinner time. It's now 'up to you' what we do as I'm the one cooking the dinner and driving. But she also says my new revised time for dinner is 'too early'. Happy Christmas your arse, indeed!
  2. Hope you can pull around wykiki, when the wife's had them in the past she's floored out all day even when she's compos mentis.
  3. FFP in full effect. Shovel money in, reap the the sponsorship rewards, (formerly known as speculate to accumulate), then prevent anyone else doing the same.
  4. Longshot like, but that wasn't you body popping the mags at the monument a few years ago so was it, @safcforever?
  5. This actually happened. Here's some old footage of that incident at the monument just before the 15 year old MLF kicked the shit out of the NME which lead to two of them freezing in shock.
  6. That was dogshit tbh. Midfield was non existent with Bruno seemingly the only one who could keep possession. They've been running on empty but that's as much about being just shit today. Second half of the season should hopefully be better if we get players back and the midweek games lessen.
  7. I understand why he's playing him all the time and it's been our problem all season not just with miggy. It's a twat that willock comes back in and then is out straight away. This has been a pretty unlucky season so far.
  8. Eddie needs to earn his corn here. I'll be glad when miggy is mainly a bench player not that I'm putting this performance all on him of course.
  9. These are dangerous from set plays, we knew it. Something's just not clicking at the minute.
  10. I can't think why CT is so bothered about wanting to see this pianist again?
  11. I heard their lass threw a surprise birthday party for him in a telephone box.
  12. Tdansmith is talking about the beehovel in the bigg market I'd guess?
  13. Does anyone take this world club game seriously other than the teams playing? 🎵 This means nothing to me.....🎶
  14. Repressed Tory men watching strictly before voting conservative.
  15. This reminds me of an old joke. As I'm bored.... Marjorie had been invited to her son Alan's flat he shared with his flatmate Martin for some dinner. Marjorie liked Martin and thought he was a lovely lad but also thought he and Alan were an item but Alan always got evasive when Marjorie dropped hints. Anyway, a lovely meal was had by all, the odd hint was politely batted away and Marjorie went home later that night. A few days later Alan sent his mam a text; 'Mam, we've been looking all over for our big frying pan. We haven't seen it since you were around for dinner. I'm not saying you did take it and I'm not saying you didn't take it but we thought you might've borrowed it or something? Love, Alan x.' Marjorie replied to Alan's text; 'Alan, when I went to the toilet not long before I left I hid the frying pan in Martin's bed. I'm not saying you are a couple and I'm not saying you aren't a couple but if Martin was sleeping in his own bed you'd have found it by now. Lots of love, mam x x'
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