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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Their first goal came from a rank shit pass and they've broke on us, unlucky for their second but they've had a couple of other chances. Dubs has done well shot stopping but at this level if you want to do well you need a more proactive keeper coming out of his box. Midfield is a fucking joke, it's mainly bad luck I totally get that but it's killing us defensively. Burn is no slower than last year but Pope isn't sweeping and we're so porous in midfield it's unreal.
  2. It's been a bit of a weird season, like. Genuinely don't know what you're going to get, (apart from a guaranteed travesty at Anfield). I just watch and hope for the best!
  3. He reckons that was a penalty to spurs.
  4. Co-commentator in this game has to be ex-spurs or a fan.
  5. It looks like a quarter to half of Man City's crowd have fucked off rather than applaud their side off.
  6. Sean Dyche and Sam Allardyce definitely have bog blocking shites. 2-0. Over to you, Luton.
  7. Watched episode 1 of the miner's strike on Ch4 the other day. It's amazing how angry you can get watching this and hearing that cunt Thatcher's rank patter after forty years. I was thinking whilst watching it that shirebrook was HQ for sports direct and right enough the programme highlighted that at the end. I hope the scabs kids ended up working there.
  8. To be fair, early kick offs are horrendous but they're like this regularly for run of the mill games whatever the time.
  9. Seeing Everton are away to Man City and Luton are home to Sheffield United can we ban gemmill from posting till after five o'clock today, please?
  10. Michael Beale seeing that.....
  11. My daughters particularly the elder one is more experienced, (they work together), graft their arses off, work too many hours and are taking the piss out of by a cheap skate employer where I occasionally have to stop myself going in and having a chat in person. I genuinely think kids are being encouraged to go along the compliant route as I massively noticed the vibe at their school which was OTT at times.
  12. Quelle surprise! Like a moth to the flame.
  13. Some paid for RW think tank* says 'we think they should raise the pension age' and everyone scuttles around talking about it? I and many others think the pension ages shouldn't have risen and the amount you get needs vastly upped. Let them discuss that instead. *I can't see any info on how they're funded so I'm making some assumptions. Sue me if I'm wrong.
  14. I wonder how much it'll hamper his pace short term on a scale of one to ten, (10: Being easily able to outpace Everton fans in a side street who have barricaded his car in to, 1: Not outpacing Everton fans who have barricaded his car in?
  16. Stuff like this is why Keegan's loved as much as he is. Always talked the club up, always wanted the best, was a superstar of his time and was still a man of the people.
  17. I heard CT thought he had a strange looking new pube till he pissed out of it. True story so they reckon.
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