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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. He was good craic, shame a few hill-billies near me kept fucking talking at him, while I was trying to listen.
  2. I was going to pop my head into Shearers bar to have a quick listen to R5L's show before the supporters club talk-in with John Anderson started in the Strawberry, I walked in and was heading up the stairs when I was headed off by a club official who asked if I had a ticket, I was then told it was by invitation only and the invites were dished out by the BBC, I then wished them well, (ahem, ) and went over the road to hear some great tales by Ando, one of them inevitably involved Gazza, The players were in an airport when Gazza, who had been dropping one pences behind strangers then shouting at them suddenly notices Jimmy White the snooker player, he then tells Ando and the lads excitedly, "Here! look! it's Jimmy White!", he then shouts at the top of his voice, "Hoo! Jimmy! Jimmy White! howman! Jimmy!!!" White eventually turns round to see this smiling young lad, (Gazza) bend down to take a shot with an imaginary snooker cue and shout out, .........."180!"
  3. I think I might pop along very soon, if ones shite you can always nip over the road to see the other, who'll take first billing?
  4. Mods can you do something about this langauge. Swearing is swearing but as i'm someone who believes in god, reading that is horrible. Thanks in advance. feel free to leave in protest I am going to leave as you boys don't deserve anymore attention. Aside from the blasphemy you are, for the most part, tin pot napoleons that swear and cuss and blame everything and everyone you can and it has become boring reading the same drivel day in day out. Good luck, have fun oh and you think Kinnear coming would be the worst thing in the world but the thing is, HE TURNED YOU DOWN!! Spurs 4 eva!! No homework to do, then?
  5. Joe misheard someone say, "Joe, would you like to our manager for the next two years", when they actually said, "Joe, for fucks sake, we gave you a canny little number for taking us on for a few months whilst the heat was on, but if you think you're going to become our manager again, then your nurse needs to seriously up your medication you silly 'deluded' twat" To be fair, it's an easy mistake to make.
  6. "JFK offered 2 year contract, I shit you not" Thank God for that, we really do need someone to come in and 'Steady the ship', and we all know from the experts on the radio/telly that JFK did just that before the masses brought on his heart attack with our delusions of granduer. A good move by Mike, methinks. Carlsberg don't do resigned sarcasm or cynicism, so I'll do it for them.
  7. Wise words and yes, Im a member of the interim committee and responsible for the website, so let me know what the issues are and I'll take a look. Whenever someone has come along with something Ive endeavoured to fix or change it. I already have and it was resolved. P.S. Sorry for getting the name wrong.
  8. There's been some good posts on here regarding the NUSC, Whilst it's true that things were never going to go hunky dory in a new supporters group born out of the shambles our club has become, it's fair to say there's been one or two who have been quick to put the fledgeling supporters club down. First things first, these people have got off their arses and attempted to do something regarding the shambles running NUFC, secondly, I'm hoping to see that the NUSC will endeavour to have a goal of getting supporter representation at boardroom level in the future. A supporters club with a 10% ownership should be consulted and this should be a long term aim of the NUSC. I've had a bit of bother with a couple of things on the NUSC website, then again, I'm no computer expert, (I know when to press 'return' at the right time) but hopefully the lads involved will sort these glitches as and when. If any fan hasn't signed up I'd ask why? Surely this is the best opportunity we'll ever have of actually doing something instead of twisting our clocks and sitting on our hands? If things aren't perfect, bring it up to the people involved, involve yourselves and help out, if you have an idea, e-mail them or go to a meeting. I'm presuming pease pudding is 'well in' judging by the posts on here, I'm also a member and have had a few queries of my own, as long as this supporters club doesn't become a old pals club and is fully inclusive of all the membership then hopefully it'll grow and have some actual clout. Remember, 'you're only as stong as your members'.
  9. I've been on the dole since April, the few jobs in my sector have been shiftwork and 'meets minimum wage'. If the economy is improving, I haven't spotted it.
  10. We're basically knackered, I don't think anyone is prepared to pay FMA what he wants and also keep the club going with funds. They either haven't got the money or don't think we're worth the investment. I just wish either party, (FMA or potential bidders), would announce their intentions that the game is up. I'm just pissed off with the stalemate and being kept in the dark.
  11. Nah, it was Martin Thomas between the sticks for that one - league game early on in the season (87/88). Remember it well I wasn't sure if it was or Kelly or Thomas, sometimes you remember games crystal clear, others, like this are a bit faded. I know we got beat off Wimbledon, anyway. Aye 2-0 defeat. We had a pretty shit start to the season IIRC (lost to Forest at home, Wimbledon at home, destroyed by Liverpool at home) but we still finished the season in 8th. Yes I remember those, missed the Forest one, we only had the paddock terracing along the touchline as the old West stand was demolished and it looked a bit wierd, (and shit).
  12. Nah, it was Martin Thomas between the sticks for that one - league game early on in the season (87/88). Remember it well I wasn't sure if it was or Kelly or Thomas, sometimes you remember games crystal clear, others, like this are a bit faded. I know we got beat off Wimbledon, anyway.
  13. Bloody hell, you've got to feel for Gary Kelly. I'm sure John Fashanu chipped him one game (FA cup?) it hit the crossbar (thank fuck!) came out and hit him on the head as he was landing and flew back from whence it came and ended in the net, (fuck!).
  14. Our new 3rd kit here. (Sorry, can't 'lift' it from the clubs site.) Edit: And then I see it four threads down!
  15. Don't mind him, Steve Claridge on the other hand..... ............. Is into self love in a big way.
  16. Preferred 'It's a goal!' on BBC Newcastle, anyway.
  17. Alright, even I don't think Llambias would be laughing, but he sounded a bit embarrassed to have to comment on a situation where he is universally loathed and the bloke he's praising is universally loved.
  18. Did anyone feel a bit cold when Llambias was 'interviewed' on SSN? I actually shouted at the telly for him to just 'fuck off'. Totally inappropriate somehow, seeing him comment on a NUFC/England legend.
  19. Kenny sits on ball Just as funny is hearing Charles 'fucking' Harrison's commentary, remember away games you never went to and having to listen to this clueless oaf on Metro radio? "The crowd have 'mixed feelings' on this" Err, not really like, Charles, I thought it was fucking brilliant myself!
  20. Is it going to be desperation loan strikers from now on, Tommy Gaynor from Forest, Dave Mitchell, the bearded Aussie from, fuck knows, (Swindon). Anyway, what a legacy totally wasted by some clueless fucking cretins, Shep started the ball rolling, Ashley came along like the clueless cockney we've all met in a bar who had great difficulty establishing 'Arse' from 'Elbow' and now we're back to square one. FECK!
  21. So we've sold Martins, we can't do a thing in case it 'isn't fair to the new owners' but we've now sold Martins. Looking at the bigger picture, it surely screams out ASHLEY STAYING!!! Overall, if it really is £9M then we've done ok, then again, I thought that we'd maybe done the sensible thing when we sold 30 year old Sir Les for £6M. DOH!!!
  22. Met him at my old work once, about ten years ago, absolute class he was, it wasn't long after he'd took charge of us and you couldn't help but realise why the players were suddenly playing so much better, no wonder, who couldn't have been enthused by his arrival at the club? He came to my work to officially open a new bottling plant of a company with strong links to NUFC and a major part of our city (S&N). He was meant to smash a huge bottle of Broon off a wall, have a couple of photo's then do a shoot, certainly that was what one of the companies big-wigs was trying to get him to do, but Bob was having none of it, he met us, had a bit of craic, asked us for a tour, and waited around for the next shift to come in so he could meet them, too! Another time I was killing time with my wife and eldest daughter at SJP's cafe whilst we waiting for a hospital appointment and Bobby came in about ten-ish telling his trailing secretary what he wanted done asking someone to get in touch with West Brom about some reunion they must have been having and he was gone in a blur. The wife said he never stops does he? I then told her that he must have got back home in the early hours of that morning as we had played FC Basel in Switzerland the previous night and he was in work just a few hours later when we saw him! RIP Bobby
  23. They're tasty, tasty, very very tasty, they're very tasty. Special K?
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