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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Tom, example number one.......Told you, didn't I?
  2. Aa canna agree wiv ye bonny lad. It maybe spelt 'Howay' but ivvory time aa've hord it said it soonds like 'Haway' an aa've bin aroond a lot langer thin most. The Geordie dialect has always leaned towards a hard 'A' when spoken so it makes sense that a Geordie would say Ha'way as opposed to Ho'way. For instance:- aad - old. aaful - awful. ahad - hold. ahight - high. amang - among. and of course 'aa knaa ye knaa' .......so I believe it's Ha'way the Lads. 'a' and 'ee'. Geordie's favourite sounds.
  3. Lord Percy of the street sayeth...... It's nice to be nice. I think Accadacca has been sniffing glue sometimes and forgets the manhole cover that has been shifted by Llambias and his master FMA, we have luckily avoided the hole so far, but we're going to fall in it sometime soon. But I suppose Accadacca is positive. My neighbour who is part of the crowd I go to the match with, insists we'll beat every team we play, he's been going since the early seventies, I have a laugh at that optimism but would sooner have a night on the piss with Gary Rowell than call him a 'spacca'* to be fair. (He's a 'tidy' fucker so I wouldn't dare as well as being a sound bloke). *Can't stand the phrase.
  4. You didn't sell out you had 2,879 tickets sold, a commendable effort for a club like yourselves of a 4,000 allocation. I don't know why fans of clubs lie about taking more fans places than they actually do. Leeds are also guilty of this. Sunderland and their commentators have been doing this for years, they got relegated at Maine Road, (the season after their flukey promotion after Swindon got done by the FA for illegal betting), anyway, at first there was 12,000 mackems there, then every time they went back for an update there was a thousand added to the figure, also remember hearing Duncan Wood on the radio who must have been moonlighting from Tyne Tees saying that there would be complaints from the locals around Roker Park about the sheer noise that was coming from the old ground. (I think there was 13,000 that night for a league cup tie).
  5. Well I've lived on the west side of the toon all my life and phonetically it's always been "HOWEHHH" to us. It's the closer you get to Wearside from any point the more Sunderland the pronunciation becomes.. Haddaway an' shite, man!!! I feel unclean, now.
  6. Bacon and onion???? That's wrong, surely. Me, probably whitefish and sable, with cream cheese, capers, and onions. fried onion goes lovely with bacon, trust me.
  7. I've a feeling we'll get beat on sunday, obviously hope I'm wrong but we need to start like a house on fire again, put some doubt in both their players and fans minds and we might nick it again, still have a feeling we'll get beat though. (For what it's worth, ha'way/howay the lads should be spelled the way it's pronounced, surely? I've been brought up in Walker and lived in the East end for most of my life, (with a two year spell in Wallsend), I feel like doing a pope and kissing the ground every time I've crossed the Tyne bridge after even just eight hours being south of the River, so no Mackem-ish tendencies here, however, phonetically I say HA'WHERE the lads. So ha'way is closer than howay, does anyone actually pronounce the O? Does it really matter? I once had a cricket style, black & white NUFC hat which spelled 'Ha'way the lads' on it which fell off and was lost the night that the bastards beat us in the play offs, Does NUFC know how its spelled or supposed to be spelled because they obviously didn't know then.
  8. I've just made myself a fried bacon and chopped onion sarnie in pitta bread quickly heated in the pan with mayonnaise added in the middle when made. I'm pleased to report it was very, very nice. Any other sarnies I/we should hear about?
  9. Flash tennis Don't know if anyone's put this on before but it's simple and easy and kills a bit of time. (Play the tournament, it'll take about ten minutes once you're used to it).
  10. Click on the link to see the worlds most dangerous sea creature. (Be careful to keep your cursor away from the picture itself.) Marine Aqua-phobus (Be warned, I nearly shit myself when I moved my cursor on the picture).
  11. I don't know if anyone on here caught an episode of the chimps tea party known as 'the sunday supplement' on SKY, it's the show where the journalists reveal their agendas and utter cluelessness to viewers. Anyway, I caught a bit of it when KK announced he was retiring from football after Man City told him they weren't going to renew his contract, and as an aside, (they were busy talking about the sky4 or England as normal) cabbagehead Woolnough briefly mentions it and says, "will be remembered as having done nothing of any note in the game" or words very close to that. What a total fucking dickhead, even anyone in football who didn't particularly rate KK as a player or manager could come out with such bollocks but cabbagehead felt he could. I cannot abide the fat, smug fucker.
  12. Heidi Klum is a Mother, she's definitely in. Delightful, delovely, delicious.
  13. I missed out on the old Leazes so can't say much about it. At heart I'm a Gallowgate (corner) lad, however, once the seats went in I moved around and thought it was all pretty shite, now I'm a L7 corner chanter, so am a Leazes convert, (Just don't ask me to sing any of those new songs that drone on that the ultras have composed, hint, if its good it'll take off, if it doesn't, it's shit, it should also be spontaneous, when the ultras sing the new ones, the L7 atmosphere suffers till its finished, stick to the tried and tested and try something catchy and easy to do if you want some new ones). Also, while I'm at it, when did 'we love you newcastle' change to 'we love Newcastle'? Yours pedantically, Howmanheyman.
  14. My wife likes their chocolate, but thinks their knowledge of where to get the best shoes in Northumberland street needs a bit of working on.
  15. Well Phillipe Albert knew where to get a kebab and where the taxi ranks were!
  16. Swap 'top 4' for Prem. If the league was shit years ago, at least it wasn't as nailed on for the usual crew who have created a glass ceiling to separate themselves from 'the rest'. In fact 'the rest' showed how utterly spineless they are and how money is the be all and end all by agreeing to the top 5 clubs not having to play each other in the 39th game. SKY and the CL have pandered to certain clubs and they are now beyond catching. Thanks SKY! (Oh! Lets not forget David Craig/SSN/The journo's show etc, all grade one wankers).
  17. Worlds smallest man....... ........doesn't whinge or whine..... .......Doesn't go on about it........ ........Doesn't feel sorry for himself....... ........Good for him!
  18. It's so everyone can see the buckle. What about the semi-addidas style shoulder kitbag? Allowed?? Nothing much that Ronaldo wears is allowed.
  19. Why has he got his shirt tucked into his buckle and nowhere else? Why has he......just fucking why full stop?
  20. We've all been dickheads at some point, wallet or no wallet! I bought a wallet in Cyprus in June, as I've never had one but just couldn't get used to having a wallet in my Steve McQueens. Pockets all day for me, (also have a worry the wallet will mysteriously disappear with everything in it, whilst if you lose a note at least it wouldn't be everything you had on you!)
  21. You wouldn't be at all surprised if they could get any sort of fee for him. And it would be a stupid sale, he's not on big wages, won't bring in a big transfer fee and he does a very useful job in this team. Because he plays as the target man, battling for the ball and winning the headers its allowed Shola to just be the striker, and not be lumbered with a role he can't fill that well. So whilst i was dead against Hughton playing the 2 of them together at first, fair play to him, he was right and its worked very nicely. Mind Shola seems possessed at the moment, when he came on 2nd half he truned the game around with his impact, involved in the equaliser, won and took the pen then set up Nolan on a plate! That's a pretty fair assesment of their pairing so far, and in this division they might not do too bad at it, which I certainly was not expecting.
  22. I don't think you're the one that is missing something. Maybe he was a 'gimme' to the club, as he was out of contract, they didn't have to pay him, so didn't and let him go, now they (might) be looking for more bodies, how foolish would this have been? Yet More ammo to the 'They haven't got a fucking clue' theorists. If FMA/Llambias had brains they'd be fucking formidable.
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