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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Never heard any coach ever come out with this but then again, teaching young lads in Walker how to play football back in the 80s would've been like telling a fish how to swim.
  2. Mother nature waits for no man, Alex! Do what you have to do!
  3. Jamie Sketchers didn't say he was THE BEST MANAGER IN THE WORLD, no, he's just a tribute. Rock....
  4. If this carries on then people are in danger of missing out on my red, hot soccer chat.
  5. Was about to post similar so not just you.
  6. I hope he's got deep pockets or his prospective new employers have?
  7. Infiltrated by mysterious mag fans once again! Will it never end? Secretly drifting in and out when they know the MLF one punch hard cunts are visiting their relatives out of town. Damn you all!!
  8. 🎶He walked into my life And now his moaning's over And it's beautiful I think it's beautiful Can't you see, it's fucking LFC You really must agree together they are deplorable But we are beautiful Beautiful We are beautiful🎵
  9. RIP to a man I honestly thought was already long dead. That's a good innings as they say. I loved David Kelly amongst others yet in reality, as massive a cult hero he is, he was usually a lower league player. I'm pretty sure most of Hurley's seasons are Sunderland were in division two but they loved him and there's nothing wrong with that. His first ever game for Sunderland was in a seven nil defeat so it's good to know they've always been a basket case of a club.
  10. As if Salah and co stay on their feet if that happens to them! We know they don't and we know what happens next. Longstaff and NUFC don't have the fear factor that the likes of Klopp and Liverpool do. It's not corruption but it's an unconscious bias/fear that discriminates against the non-sky faves.
  11. Maybe just me but does every PL away game in London we have involve an effeminate sounding southern co-commentator in the 'eeze dan evaahh so well there' type?
  12. Carol's bits. (Bits!) Always believe in her shaved bits Just as impressive as her tits It's indestructible Always believe in Carol's bits, (bits!) Etc, etc.
  13. No, they thoroughly deserved it on account either emanating from Charles sack, being on the end of stuff emanating from his sack, or being married to the stuff that emanated from his sack and producing extra stuff that emanated from stuff that originally emanated from his sack. There's sacks of reasons.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68882308 Well deserved.
  15. Mrs Neville recognises that particular Gary Neville moan.
  16. Pitbull shaver for me because I look like a pitbu..... dreamy sex god.
  17. So three people, including you, couldn't be arsed to carry a microwave to wherever and plug it in?
  18. It's the NW red cunt massive sense of entitlement syndrome. Your neck of the woods now, fish, are you now desensitised to it?
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