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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. What year was this? We used to go to Estartit laste 80's early 90's to the campsite you're on about. No word of alie one night me we're going back to the mobile home and there's some kid lieing on the grass pissed and asleep. I only remember this as my mam and dad had a massive barney over it. My mam was a nurse at the time and wanted to help him while my faffa's opinion was 'sod him, let him sleep it off, nowt to do with us.' He was a caring man at times. Was 1992, mate. There was six of us and I was the youngest, oldest was about 22. Unless my whole timeline was out of scale you must've had a late night for it to have been me. Then again, I've no actual memory of the event, just waking up the next morning.
  2. I legged it home mortal over about two years ago and did the same but I must've jolted something in my back. My backs never been the same. It'll be fine for a few months but will just 'go' and I'm fucked for a couple days. Your pissy story reminds of an old mate who'd been out all day on a bender and got back in his Mothers house and whilst his old dear was watching the end of 'heartbeat' he pulled his fathers slippers in the middle of the living room floor and started to piss in them. He had no idea when she told him the next day but it cracked us up when she told us.
  3. The £132M should be discarded. It wasn't a debt, it's what he agreed to pay to own the club, the club's owners didn't owe £132M to anybody else for the right to own NUFC. The mortgage was a no brainer, if he had the funds available then it made pure business sense to pay it off and save interest, just as you and me would do if we had the funds to do likewise with our house. (This is one of the reasons he got a bit huffy as he never knew about the mortgage in the first place and being followed by the ill feeling the KK episode brought him made things worse). Manager pay offs? Were the club still paying SBR or Roeder? If not he never inherited any 'pay-off' debt on that score. He sacked Sham and he sacked KK and got stung. We owed a fair bit out for Owen but we were still owed, (IIRC), approx £7-10M from Real Madrid for Woodgate. This I'm sure played a part in Shepherds thinking when paying way over the odds for him in the first place.
  4. Happy birthday! You share it with my youngest!
  5. Going down the ramp at Wembley way for the charity shield game, the queues were massive so I climb over the fence and jump on a van and from the van to the ground to save some time, (probably about 2 mins, but I was well served). The van was a police van, which I didn't realise when I jumped on it and a copper who was on the ramp was looking down telling me to 'come back here' in a rather effete southern way. I replied that I definitely would.....after the match and I crossed my heart so he knew I'd keep good on my promise. I got lucky or maybe not as the game was pure shit.
  6. Well to be fair, I never knew the Directors had actually "assured" him on this point. We know they'd never mislead or lie to anyone so we can breathe easy now......so.......I also presume they "assured" him that the quality of the players and their affect on the team would enhance us and not make us weaker and that we'd keep a hold of our better players. Why do I not feel so "assured" as Cabaye. (first day in the job, every company seems great etc). You old cynic you. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
  7. Well to be fair, I never knew the Directors had actually "assured" him on this point. We know they'd never mislead or lie to anyone so we can breathe easy now......so.......I also presume they "assured" him that the quality of the players and their affect on the team would enhance us and not make us weaker and that we'd keep a hold of our better players. Why do I not feel so "assured" as Cabaye. (first day in the job, every company seems great etc).
  8. I think it's what would need to be paid for Ashley to break even. Just got it from the link in robs delloite thread and they don't go into detail. Purchase price £132 Million, repaying pre-exisiting debts of £70 Million (of which £45 Million was the stadium mortgage, the rest was "other loans") plus £27 Mill owed on transfers, whatever else since has been injected working capital. Did we not have any transfer fees owed to us? It's just I've heard the fact that we owed outstanding amounts ad nauseum from different sources defending Ashley, but rarely hear of any amounts that we were waiting on and as the football world largely pays in installments I find this a bit odd. Just saying, like.
  9. Theres only one sad cunt in this thread and thats you, billy no mates and a water drinking, grassing wanker to boot. Every now and again you let your guard slip and show what an arrogant prick you really are. Its sad to think that one day you'll have children and bring them up the same, bitter, arrogant and miserable as fuck. The patients you treat will be better company than you, that I don't doubt. You posted your wedding photos on the internet to share with people you don't know, what the fuck is wrong with you?.......if thats not a definition of sad I'm not really sure what is. "There's something........I'm getting.........Yes........there's definitely some kind of tension here!"
  10. I can't look forward to the future as the cunt has kicked me out of my seat.....AGAIN!
  11. I remember Paddocklad saying he was banned for the most ridiculous thing on there, (N.O). No warning, no tell off, just a permanent ban. Never been tempted to even have a look after that tale and their apparent fondness for our current owner and mate.
  12. I tried to kick a family out of their caravan in Estartit when I was 18 and full of beer and vodka on my first night, telling them it was my caravan. They let me crash on their sofa and I thanked them by spewing in the middle of the night before walking out the door and falling asleep on the grass. I woke up and couldn't remember any of this until one of the fathers daughters spotted me a week later and told me about it. I felt a bit bad and took them round a bottle of wine as a 'sorry'. Didn't get into the lass which was no surprise when you think about it.
  13. Climbing on the bus stop just outside the old 'Apollo' cinema at the bottom of Shields Road on a sunny teatime and smiling serenely and waving at the people on the top deck of the buses. I was fucking blotto that day on cheap 8% abv cider (and I don't even like the stuff).
  14. Woke up on the roof of an old works building, it was tiled and obviously slanted. I'm in no way religious but I sometimes wonder about the old belief of God watching over a drunk.
  15. ;) Who 'foisted' Shearer and KK on him? For that statement alone he loses any cedibility he may think he has. Another point, everyone who insists he's cleared us of debt and there's a few, can you just point me to the press release where Llambias or whomever has said, 'he's paid up all your debts for you, you're now debt free, you owe nobody a penny, me included'. Of all the people who are either pro-Ashley or just willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, (which is fair enough in its own right and they're entitled to their say), some put some good arguments over and then there's bell helmets like this knob. He is the one who really doesn't have a clue. Nothing personal, fact, etc, etc.
  16. Just been chatting to a Mag I know on Merseyside. Is it true there's a few worries on Andy Carroll's fitness on the red side?
  17. Sometimes life is more complicated than the question posed. If only life were that simple.
  18. My Aunt had a cat called 'Timothy'.
  19. Anyone of our Southern friends hearing you have got to assume you're Scottish.
  20. Come on, what's wrong with seeing beyond the burning issues? We aren't living in Asterix's village. Your living in Sunnycrest, aren't you?
  21. Aye, you must have had an Indian the night before you smelly bar Steward!
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