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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. To be honest I think Gyan's a waste of space, although he could be a good player if arsed but he blatantly isn't arsed about playing for the Mackems.
  2. How long ago was that? And did they recommend expensive trainers?
  3. I'd heard there was somewhere in the town that did something like this. Think I'll look into it.
  4. I've been having trouble with my knee lately and read up on the net about how a lot of experts think how running injuries have sored since the 'new' style of trainers came around from the seventies upwards. Basically they were saying that the best shock absorption for your foot is the foot itself and that evolution has made us this way. Anyway, I thought I'd give it a go after a week of resting my knee and not running. So last night I went on my treadmill and ran barefoot for 8 miles and my knee didn't buckle although it's been a bit sore today. However...... after I finished I thought my feet are a bit sore now and when I looked the soles of my feet had a few big blisters which I had to pop in the shower and have been fucking knacking me today when I walk about. This internet is a dangerous thing, like.
  5. Yes. The £280m breaks down something like this. A £135m (loan?) for the purchase of the club. A £110m loan to pay off the stadium loan and other existing interest incurring debts. A £25-35m loan to cover operating losses during our season in the championship It fucks me off big style that Ryder reels out this shit. In the same way it fucks me off that we’ve had the crap about FMA being some kind of saviour rammed down our throats for the best part of four years. At end of the day an NUFC carrying a £100m of debts was either worth £135m or FMA paid too much. Either way he deserves no praise. He either got what he paid for or he fucked up... it’s no basis for kissing his arse Mr Ryder. A. So NUFC owes Mike Ashley £135M because..........? B. So aside from paying off the Stadium, (approx £57M) our debts were in the region of £50M? C. The £25-£35M cost of keeping us afloat in the 2nd Division shouldn't be a loan re-payable to this twat as it was his own incompetence that caused us to be relegated in the first place and the bill for it should laid completely at his door. It looks to me that we should owe the bloke £110M. The Stadium was mortgaged until he paid it off, (saving himself interest), and became the new creditor.
  6. I've just been dipping in and out of here lately. Has CT done a shoot for good? Has Deano not been back on?
  7. Whom was owed what? Does the Owner include his purchase price in this figure?
  8. £280M pumped into the club from Mike? Really? Were we £280M in debt? Is there figures that pinpoint this?
  9. Eleven stone one. About 18 months ago I'd have been about twelve stone five.
  10. You're spot on there, Stevie. We really should feel lucky in a way, I suppose. Luckily Raleigh have been donating second hand bikes for years to the developing World to try to eradicate this very thing.
  11. We need a poll. Do you consider yourself: A) Skint. B: Get by just about alright. C) I've got a nice comfortable income. D) Fucking loaded, me like. E) I prefer not to say and will privately PM Stevie my financial details at a more convenient time. (Fuck me, it took long enough to get rid of the smiley face with the gepps, there!)
  12. One of the lads who I used to drink with would sing this when pissed. Only not with as much cohesion.
  13. Sorry for bringing the thread subject back up, but I grew up with these books and as un-PC as they're meant to be they actually gave you a sense of right and wrong and decency. My Dad was in the Armed Forces in the 60's and 70's and they were always lying around NAAFI's and were simply called 'Training Pamphlets'. Anyway, The Nazi's always ended up dead, 'Tojo' got his bait put up him, the one honourable 'Jerry' got his due respect, the one British Cad got his comeuppance and the good old salt of the earth Tommy won the day with his great sense of British fair play. Fantastic stuff.
  14. An old drunk walks past a Preacher by a river with his congregation in thrall to him. The Preacher sees the drunk and points at him saying, "You, drunk old man! Are you ready to find Jesus?" The pissed old lad doesn't know what to say but eventually mumbles, "S'pose so, like." At which the Preacher grabs him by the head and 'baptises' him in the river. He says, "My son, have you found Jesus?", The drunk replies, "Err, not sure.", The Preacher not expecting this answer quickly ducks the drunks head back into the river in case any of his flock start to get doubts. "Now, old man......Have you found Jesus?" the Preacher again asks, to which the still confused drunk says, "Err, I don't know". The by now-wishing-he'd-never-bothered Preacher ducks the drunks head in the river once more and shouts in exasperation, "For the love of God! Have you found Jesus yet?" to which the drunk finally snaps and says, "Are you fucking sure he fell in here?"
  15. I'm pleased I didn't move elsewhere. I would never stand all game if someone behind me was sitting down but I know for a fact I wouldn't last long elsewhere if I had a few pints in me and I was surrounded by people who are merely spectators and don't seem to get involved at all. When I say 'involved' I don't just mean singing but the occasional, "HA'WAY LADS! GET FUCKING STUCK INTO THE BASTARDS!" or just a "GO ON!" when we start to go on the attack. It's hardly a so called fucking Uber fan it's just backing your side. There's quite a few thousand people should give it a go.
  16. Forget injuries, a change in the rub of the green would be enough to spell trouble. There was no purpose to our passing in this or any of the games we’ve played this season. We haven’t (with the exception of a short spell against Scunny) put the opposition under and real or sustained pressure.... goals out of nothing are sure to dry up. We were all over them for 20 minutes and scored 2. The difference this season from previous games of this nature is that today we had the ability to score 2 and keep them from equalising. Rode our luck at times but there was nothing lucky or 'out of nothing' about either goal. Both well worked on the back of dominating possession and creating chances. Sounds like you're saying this side is better equipped to win these tight games than we were last year? I'd simply say we came out the better of two very average sides, in fact you could just as easy say Fulham were the better side for at least the first twenty five minutes. We got a lucky rebound for Best's first and credit to him for taking the second well. I'm not convinced at all.
  17. Forget injuries, a change in the rub of the green would be enough to spell trouble. There was no purpose to our passing in this or any of the games we’ve played this season. We haven’t (with the exception of a short spell against Scunny) put the opposition under and real or sustained pressure.... goals out of nothing are sure to dry up. Anyone who thinks we've kicked on from last year, (and I include our 'coach' in this), is living in cloud cuckoo land. I'm pleased they can still get stuck in, etc but today was the third league game in a row we've came up against a side who were equally as toothless up front and these odd goals will end up being consolation goals rather than winners. The defence are going to end up being under huge pressure due to the lack of creativity/goals that'll be scored this year. Am I being harsh?
  18. Over the moon we've done our bogey side at home but we were very, very average. I fear the time when injuries kick in and suspensions because at the minute our team isn't as good as last year despite the double glazing salesman's patter. So, happy but concerned, very concerned. If you can't see it you're blind.
  19. Where abouts you sitting in the ground? (not exact / stalkertastic) Jon hall stand. Got stadium tour tomorrow which I'm looking forward too alot. Honestly mate, no offence but call it by its proper name, 'The Leazes end'. It really is better and you'll get more kudos. sorry Nee bother! A draw at best tomorrow, I'm afraid. History tells you that and a decent start and beating the Mackems means the classic 'after the Lords Mayor show'.
  20. Fair play deadas. Me and you both! I wanted to command a submarine!
  21. Where abouts you sitting in the ground? (not exact / stalkertastic) Jon hall stand. Got stadium tour tomorrow which I'm looking forward too alot. Honestly mate, no offence but call it by its proper name, 'The Leazes end'. It really is better and you'll get more kudos.
  22. Everyone on here should introduce themselves in the syle of The Floaters; "Capricorn, and my name is Stevie, I like a woman who likes a real Geordie man, never pipes doon except under the covers" "Leo, and my name is Deadman, I love a woman I can warm up after I've dug her up"
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