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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. No but I'll break that cunts jaw seven sisters the fucking cockroach I'm rubbing my jaw as we speak, wincing at the impending pain I'm about to recieve. Anyway.........How did you know it's not Seven Sisters? Did you check up yourself? Congratulations if you did, you have now found out the way to answer your own questions on transport to football grounds and all because I gave you a silly answer. Please, no need for thanks. No need for thanks ...tell you what wise guy you think your funny? How about I meet you tomorrow for a pint and I'll show you funny ?? You going to take me to a bar that shows clips of Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder getting shown into a prison cell with Grossberger? You need to take a chill pill, son, because on this message board people tend to have the odd piss take and most don't tend to take it to heart. Honestly mate, if you're indeed a genuine poster and not some kid on a wind up with this Noo York/wiseguy/cockroach patter I'd take a step back, put my head down and see how some of the funnier lot on here go about their business. And for the record, although I don't look for bother, the odd time it's happened I've managed to deal with it, jaw intact. But to be fair most of that was in the days before the internet in certain bars in Walker and Spain with the odd away game thrown in but............ASM, apart, I've never crossed swords with an internet warrior, so maybe my jaw will need wired after all. But basically, calm the fuck doon, man!!
  2. I love a good work liar. We had a bloke that worked here - tall chinless posh drip - who claimed he had been both a cage fighter and an Olympic weight lifter. To a very high standard. There isn't a fucking word about him anywhere on the internet, and I've set aside entire afternoons at work googling the prick. He would just announce out of nowhere that "when I was lifting, I could eat 8000 calories a day /crush a raw potato in my hand /bend a 50p piece with just my thumb and forefinger" Those are all direct quotes. This bloke I'm on about. Once he's targeted you and you're trying to keep a straight face you start getting texts from other workmates with a simple "....and err...." in it as they want you to crack and start laughing. The cunts!!!
  3. There's a bloke at work who's a canny enough bloke, but he lies and exaggerates everything he and his relatives have done with a particular habit of tripling the price of anything he or his relatives have ever bought. He always finishes his sentence with an "...And err...." On one break when the subject of London 2012 happened to come up I was told he could've been at the opening ceremony as a VIP as his brother-in-Law was offered some job financing the London Olympics but he knocked it back and in the very same break was told his Brother-in-Law was some kind of Ambassador in New York. I mentioned Ferrero Rocher but he never batted an eyelid.
  4. I had that in mind with my answer, mate. What's ASM up to these days? That reply was a classic ASM threat!
  5. Think we're all being over cautious in here today. It's QPR ffs! 30 years experience on 'the United beat' as a cleft chinned Mackem used to say in the Ronny Gill.
  6. No but I'll break that cunts jaw seven sisters the fucking cockroach I'm rubbing my jaw as we speak, wincing at the impending pain I'm about to recieve. Anyway.........How did you know it's not Seven Sisters? Did you check up yourself? Congratulations if you did, you have now found out the way to answer your own questions on transport to football grounds and all because I gave you a silly answer. Please, no need for thanks.
  7. I don't think we've the side to go four games (five including the LC game), undefeated. So the law of averages and a night time game in front of the cameras at home for the newly promoted club points to a defeat for me. 2-0 to them. A win gives us a hell of a start though and puts some points on the board for later on in the season should we hit a bad patch so I hope Pardew hammers into them the importance of this.
  8. Is that not the station for Middlesbrough? edit: No sorry, thats 'Six fingers'.
  9. It's this £280M pumped into the club that needs addressing. The man bought our club for £134M. That's not £134M that got pumped into the club, thats money that got pumped into the Hall's pockets and by default, Shepherds pockets as well. So can Lamebrainias and a lot of the media get that bit right. NUFC never saw that £134M. Can they also acknowledge the fact he pumped in approx £30M to keep his own business going after he made a complete dogs dinner of the season we were relegated. Thats money that needn't have been pumped in had he and his mate not royally fucked up. No way was NUFC one of the three worst sides as we kicked off the season at Old Trafford with KK in charge. That is money NUFC didn't need if they were still in the PL. Getting back to the purchase price, this is not and should not be owed back to Ashley in whatever form, unless as was discussed a week or so ago, it was a leveraged buy out. If Ashley sells he will get back some, all or more than that. Until then he'll get back none of it. Whatever our debts were when he took over coupled with the Stadium mortgage he paid off early is the true NUFC debt to Ashley in my opinion.
  10. Right, that's it. I try my best and that's the response I get? I've had it with this place. Craig, cancel my account. Ayatollah blatantly bullying a poster who's contributed jokes for years including anal sex innuendos just for copying his bingo joke? I'm sick of this kind of attitude on here lately. Thats me finished on here too. Craig, do the honours, mate.
  11. To be honest I think Gyan's a waste of space, although he could be a good player if arsed but he blatantly isn't arsed about playing for the Mackems.
  12. How long ago was that? And did they recommend expensive trainers?
  13. I'd heard there was somewhere in the town that did something like this. Think I'll look into it.
  14. I've been having trouble with my knee lately and read up on the net about how a lot of experts think how running injuries have sored since the 'new' style of trainers came around from the seventies upwards. Basically they were saying that the best shock absorption for your foot is the foot itself and that evolution has made us this way. Anyway, I thought I'd give it a go after a week of resting my knee and not running. So last night I went on my treadmill and ran barefoot for 8 miles and my knee didn't buckle although it's been a bit sore today. However...... after I finished I thought my feet are a bit sore now and when I looked the soles of my feet had a few big blisters which I had to pop in the shower and have been fucking knacking me today when I walk about. This internet is a dangerous thing, like.
  15. Yes. The £280m breaks down something like this. A £135m (loan?) for the purchase of the club. A £110m loan to pay off the stadium loan and other existing interest incurring debts. A £25-35m loan to cover operating losses during our season in the championship It fucks me off big style that Ryder reels out this shit. In the same way it fucks me off that we’ve had the crap about FMA being some kind of saviour rammed down our throats for the best part of four years. At end of the day an NUFC carrying a £100m of debts was either worth £135m or FMA paid too much. Either way he deserves no praise. He either got what he paid for or he fucked up... it’s no basis for kissing his arse Mr Ryder. A. So NUFC owes Mike Ashley £135M because..........? B. So aside from paying off the Stadium, (approx £57M) our debts were in the region of £50M? C. The £25-£35M cost of keeping us afloat in the 2nd Division shouldn't be a loan re-payable to this twat as it was his own incompetence that caused us to be relegated in the first place and the bill for it should laid completely at his door. It looks to me that we should owe the bloke £110M. The Stadium was mortgaged until he paid it off, (saving himself interest), and became the new creditor.
  16. I've just been dipping in and out of here lately. Has CT done a shoot for good? Has Deano not been back on?
  17. Whom was owed what? Does the Owner include his purchase price in this figure?
  18. £280M pumped into the club from Mike? Really? Were we £280M in debt? Is there figures that pinpoint this?
  19. Eleven stone one. About 18 months ago I'd have been about twelve stone five.
  20. You're spot on there, Stevie. We really should feel lucky in a way, I suppose. Luckily Raleigh have been donating second hand bikes for years to the developing World to try to eradicate this very thing.
  21. We need a poll. Do you consider yourself: A) Skint. B: Get by just about alright. C) I've got a nice comfortable income. D) Fucking loaded, me like. E) I prefer not to say and will privately PM Stevie my financial details at a more convenient time. (Fuck me, it took long enough to get rid of the smiley face with the gepps, there!)
  22. One of the lads who I used to drink with would sing this when pissed. Only not with as much cohesion.
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