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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Source? http://www.villatalk...r=asc&start=555 Not believe me, like?
  2. "We are Aston Villa for gods sake anything other than 3 points at fucking Newcastle should be considered a failure."
  3. I'd laugh at Leeds, Liverpool, Spurs, Man U etc as they've either got previous with us or some would just love it if a SKY luvvy was relegated. Obviously we laughed when SAFC were relegated and vice versa. But Villa? Prior to them sending us down I'd think we'd have mainly shrugged our shoulders to be honest, and if we saw one of their 'great away support' in a bar before kick off I don't think we'd be unsympathetic. If level 7 was around they might've got a bit of stick from some of the kids but I'd be amazed if anyone actually went to the trouble of making banners, for fuck sake! I have obviously met the odd decent Villa fan but as a collective they can fuck right off after their petty small time fans got their chance to bask in someones else relegation. (Someone who they clearly can't stand as we shine brighter than themselves in good times and bad and their animosity is 100% jealousy.) If we were lower profile a bit like, ooh, I don't know, lets say err, Villa, then I'm sure they couldn't have gave a fuck. Then again with this lot who knows? When you support this club you don't forget stuff like this. You suck it up if you like, I'll give them dogs abuse, thanks. I think the Monkeys Fist asked if we'd done the same? Not sure if we actually put them down but I remember a doomed Oxford gettting beat 3-0 and Saunders getting one back which made the 100 or so Oxford fans do the conga in an empty corner of the Leazes. Most Mags laughed and admired their attitude, can't remember any mocking. We never laughed at Plymouth did we?
  4. Had a little look on one of their sites and our little Mackem friend, Rice, was trying and failing to wind them up about their support, but he did make a few of them mention their 'great away support'. I can only imagine this great away support of theirs has an exclusion limit imposed on them in the North East similar to the one Argentina had in 1982 round the Falklands as I've very rarely seen them travel up here in numbers in the thirty years I've been watching us. Can never remember thinking, not even once, 'Aye, that Villa lot were canny today, mind'. Also one of them 'remembered' us averaging 15,000 in the eighties alongside the Mackems being completely fucking oblivious to our actual average attendences. Was it JawD who was at Villa Park to see us beat them in a 1st division game watched by 12,000 only a few years after winning the European Cup? Never really cared about these either way until I spent some time in their company before a game at Villa Park where I knew we'd beat them as we had a far better team yet the Villa lot genuinely thought they were the bigger, better club/team. This was the year after we'd been promoted and Cole and Malcolm Allen scored. As for the relegation match, a piss take was one thing, pre-meditated 'witty' banners? (Anything with ant & dec in it when trying to take the piss out of Geordies.......instant fail, to be honest), pure, 100% jealousy on their part that nobody will ever care about their club the same way they will about ours, whether good or bad. Like I said, they should play in beige and run out to Val Doonican or Daniel O'Donnell.
  5. On behalf of Besty, idioteque and Edinburghtoon fan I'd like to err......what's she called fist?........I'd like to wish them a happy new year, err, christmas? and err, admire that pic and err,...... .......what's this thread about, again?
  6. Meryl Streep? Oh my...... Not a very flattering pic of Meryl Streep, is it?
  7. That's ok, mate, I hate those fucking scab bastards too.
  8. To be fair he hadn't quite finished his sentence, it should've read, 'I've just got a feeling, woo hoo! That tonight's gonna be a good, good night'.
  9. Does anyone remember the Mackems insisting that Sewpa Kev was a better striker? (Even though he's getting on, Phillips is still a good, intelligent forward. But better than Shearer?)
  10. Apart from the satisfaction of beating these Arseholes it would also be fantastic to get three more points to keep us up in at least 5th place this weekend. Just caught a bit of of SSN and they had some bookie on and the swivel eyed mad scotsman presenter and the obligitory good looking lass were asking him the odds on the 'big' games at the top the table. Guess which of the top 7 teams they didn't feel like talking about? I'd fucking love to shove it up these bastards and keep ahead of at least a couple of their select clubs for a while. 3 points please lads.
  11. WHY? .......And the winner for worst avatar is........
  12. World's wittiest fans with the best patter in the UK. Best club in the UK. (31,000 fans including the daft looking cunt who used to play the violin and Gavin, 26, technician for Autoglass, can't all be wrong).
  13. Des'ree - Life "I'm afraid of the dark Especially when I'm in a park And there's no one else around, Oh I get the shivers. I don't want to see a ghost, It's the sight that I fear most I'd rather have a piece of toast And watch the evening news." No, honest she did write and sing that.
  14. Sky wish to apologise to viewers for a technical fault as Arsenal drew 0-0 with Bolton and so didn't overtake Liverpool for 5th place. We'd also like to apologise to viewers on Merseyside as Arsenal's failure to win didn't ensure Liverpool remained there either. Due to some technical error, and despite not mentioning them all day, Nooocarsill have surprisingly won a game against Blackburn at Ewood Park and because of the three points for a win regulation, have mathematically gone to the 5th spot that was between Arsenal and Liverpool. Again, this is a temporary fault which we are doing our level best to fix. We'd like to thank viewers for their patience.
  15. and the grey man, true to form, has absolutely nothing to say So to sum this thread up, you have....... LM: ......Arguing with...... Fish; ......Whilst at the same time giving....... Manc Mag; ......some stick as well. Am I still on track with the thread?
  16. You'll have to ask 2bias, Stevie. They have bigger heads and mouths I'll give them that but otherwise....... I once had it out with one about how our support was shit everytime time we were crap/relegated etc and after re-educating him, (he really did know fuck all of both clubs support and history) the kid started crying how "unfair" it was that our support got praised whilst their support got slated for being too demanding and getting on their players backs. Personally I'd have added that they also own one of the shittest songs going with that slow 'when the spurs go marching in' dirge. 23,000 not too long after they've just won the UEFA CUP v us, (and that's including our support by the way in their glory, glory years). Never bigger than us. Doing better right now, like, but not bigger.
  17. Tottenham could win the league, they're no bigger than us on an even level playing field. Barcelona and Real Madrid are streets ahead in Spain right now, but with Valencia's 2003 team I doubt they would be, or even Deportivo in 2002. Not too sure on that. Not sure on Tottenham being no bigger than us? Really? I think we're the greatest untapped club in this country bar none. We've never really had our potential realised unlike the usual suspects at the top who have been run with an ambition to win trophies and compete most years.
  18. This stinks. The FA really need to be a lot more transparent about the whole process of these retrospective charges because from where I'm sitting its all about which Manager/Journalist/TV wanker shouts the loudest about each individual who may or may not have crossed the line. Can't remember much fuss about Rooney hoofing Colo whilst our Argentinian was on the deck (apart from ourselves of course, and even then it was very muted). Contrast that with the media furore of camel face getting done for the pen when (in slow motion), it looked like a good tackle by the Gangsta. Anyone who think the media are innocent and play no part are naive. Tony fucking Gubba single handedly went out of his way to get Tino done a few years ago despite Keith Curle being an utter cunt all game.
  19. I like to cover all bases when it comes to Valentines day. I've already bought my other half some lovely chocolates and a vibrator. (If the chocolates aren't enough she can go fuck herself).
  20. Changed my profile on a job site as I'm now out of work. This is what I got after I did it.; "We couldn’t recommend any jobs based on your profile, try updating your profile." Fuck me! I'm not involved in any niche or specialist job. Manufacturing is sooooo fucked in this country.
  21. But I haven't been saying this for years etc, etc.
  22. As much as people say LM is obsessed................There's always plenty willing to argue with him and not let it lie. Just a thought.
  23. That so reminds me of a holiday in Italy my grandparents took me and my sis to when I was 13/14. I basically had lie face down on the sand as all I had on was a speedo type of trunks (it was 1987) and there was these two 18/20-ish (to my eyes) Goddesses with their tits oot. When I eventually, err, 'calmed down', I all of a sudden needed to go to the toilet back in our rooms to 'reminisce' on the sight of these two girls.
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