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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. An Irish lad phoned me the other day trying to get me to put a bet on an old lapsed betting account I had. Anyway, after the whole sales pitch patter he starts talking as a normal bloke to bloke about the Toon. Me: "Anyway, mate, I'm pissed off with things right now. They've blown things as it was going canny". (referring to the stadium Sportsdirect thing) Irish kid: "Ah, you're right, it's a tough november coming up." Me: "What?" Irish kid: " Well you've got to be looking at a defeat against Man City but you might get a point against United and Chelsea." Me: "I'm talking about the name change, and who's this 'United' you're talking about?" Irish kid: "err, em, you never know, you might do well against them......." Me: " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZZe29v3d4
  2. Buy one. You'll love it for half an hour before you realise you'll never wear it.
  3. Not worried at all. I'm pissed off and doon in the dumps in so many ways its a fly on the ointment at best.
  4. Go on ebay, there's fucking loads!
  5. Who'd buy the grandad collar shirt from scoredraw/Nufc when you can get the original adidas one from the likes of ebay for the same price or cheaper? (That's even if you don't still have the old one in your wardrobe?)
  6. I tell you what, how good does that look? (minus the umbro tbf). My original of that never had the blue star as they never included them in the strips for sale. I want this but really do not want to give NUFC/Fatty a penny.
  7. How they got away with the whole wimbledon/mk dons thing I'll never know. The Football League should've ran them out of town or made them start at the bottom of the football pyramid. Cowards.
  8. First one I remember collecting was Panini's 'Espana '82' album. Every packet contained El Salvador's team split with another as they clearly weren't good enough to be on a badge themselves. Never got an England or Brazil player. http://www.magliaros...albumond82.html
  9. It was in a "Gastro Pub". Says it all about the "Fans". ( If it happened, I'd guess it was that new bar in The Sandman Hotel, the old S&N building.) Well I'm off round the club for a few pints, would love to take Dewick with me, "Alreet, lads, this is Dewick, he's a bit lost round here, thought I'd bring him in for a few pints. Hey! Dewick! You knew KK didn't you? Why don't you tell the lads a few tales about him, I'm sure they'd love to hear it. Christine, give us a pint for me and a lager top for Dewick".
  10. The bloke thinks he's in some fackin Guy Fackin Rithie film you bunch of norvern tarts! Nasty? You guys dahnt fackin know the meaning of the word! Typical fucking cockney, full of piss and wind when they've had too much drink. Doesn't say a lot about the 'fans' he was with, though. I'd have challenged him on a few points or just gave him a moothfull of Walker knuckle, whatever he prefered. Hey, I'm easy.
  11. I seriously worry about people who actually understand that post.
  12. For those that attend the game against Chelsea, how about a simple 'Welcome! To St. James' Park!' to the tune of 'your shit, and you know you are' for the benefit of the cameras. Not the long term answer, obviously, but I'd rather hear 'wor' name shouted out than 'his'.
  13. I tell you what. I love Leazes' 'I told you 4 years ago' and 'you never listened' patter. (FWIW, I agree with a lot of his sentiments but the way he puts it, it comes across like a scene with a Scooby doo baddie, '....And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for Leazes Mag those meddling kids.
  14. It really annoys me the sheer laziness and ineptness of a lot of the media in this country. 'Its all about money now, it'll always be St. James's to the fans, you need the money, £8-10M this'll bring you and you moan?, jibber, wibble etc'. They back Ashley and straight away buy the £8-10M complete red herring that Dekka has fed them with. Jesus Christ, man, we're not going to see £8-10M because nobody will pay that. I know it, Mike and Dekka know it and most supporters know it. He's trying to substitute St. James' Park for Sports Direct as he feels it'll be great business for his main love, SD, not because NUFC will get anything out of it.
  15. exactly Well I must be a mug then, because to me, ok, it's a name to a venue or location, but at the end of the day what do you KNOW the place as ? I'm from Crewe, South Cheshire, our local team played at Gresty Road, now the 'Alexandra Stadium', but to me it will always be 'Gresty Road' and nothing else as will SJP. Perhaps the way to go would have been to call it 'SJP sponsored by xyz', thus keeping all parties happy, but you could imagine radio 5 saying that, 'Over to SJP ....' Some how I don't think so. It comes down to money, and if some one says 'Over to SDA', then that will be picked up by listeners, and then they go to the website, spend money, which goes to Ashley and hopefully in to Newcastle.(Wild howls of derision heard from the baying mob.) because at the end of the day it all boils down to money.
  16. exactly I will add there are many others apart from me LM and PP who were against Ashley, wasn't thinking straight before anyone gets emotional. Was going to do 'So emotional' by Whitney Houston cos I'm more sensitive than you, Simian features!
  17. Got asked by one of these 'You.Gov' surveys about what I knew about Dwarfs/Midgets? "Very little, to be honest", was my reply.
  18. It stinks to high heaven and if I hear another prize fucking bulls knacker on the likes of Talksport saying its a good move when 100+ years of history is getting replaced with no financial benefit to NUFC then people are going to start to get hurt. Alan Brazil says the cricketer Michael Vaughn thinks its a good move for example. Phew! Thats completely pacified me then and hearing Richard 'the slug' Keys endorse it also has also put my mind at ease. Or maybe not. This is one of the reasons why I no longer feel I can go to watch my club anymore, 3rd in the league? So what? As someone once said, he knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. P.S. as Stevie alludes to, in a few years time, young kids up and down the country will simply call our ground the sports direct. And that thought sickens me.
  19. So Mike naming the stadium the 'Sports Direct Arena' will seal the Champions league coming back to Tyneside? If not, then its a poor point, like the many poor points you pick up on from all and sundry on here. Why don't they use a charity to 'showcase' this fantastic advertising opportunity instead of SportsDirect, a la Barcelona-Unicef? If this advertising opportunity is so good, why has nobody taken them up on it in over two years? Again, Are Sports Direct going to have a time limit imposed on them for their free advertising if nobody in the business world rushes to buy the package? TP and Chez, you can only play the devils advocate for so long before it just pisses people off and we question whether you're actually on the wind up or not. I sometimes think CT got his flak for not just his own posts but as a proxy for you as well.
  20. When a company turn up at the door offering to pay X million then it's something to consider, now matter how much I personally am against it. Already, (mainly non-NUFC) people are saying, 'what's the fuss?', 'get with the times' 'increased revenue' etc, etc. All missing the point by a country mile. Could Mr Llambias tell us what kind of time limit Sports Direct are going to be afforded this free advertising for 'helping' NUFC to 'showcase' our stadium? Will our owner be that bothered if companies don't think its worth their money and the potential grief they'll get? This is one of the reasons I'm still a non-match attending, non-fake 'boycoutting' fan. When you aren't a perma trophy winning supporter of a club as rich in heritage and tradition as ours is then the last thing you do is is erode that very tradition as there is no shiny, sparkling things that others refer to as 'trophies' to make up for it. Also, for all those who suggest that we haven't a global appeal, I'd suggest one or two seasons doing well would soon sort that out, not some free advertising for the vain Mr Ashley's pet company.
  21. New York Times "St. James' Park Stadium, conveniently located opposite Durham Cathedral" Even appealing to the bible belt of America.
  22. ??????? I mean, ok, I completely get it. 100%. I see, said the blind man, etc, etc.
  23. Luton Town. Couldn't stand them. Horrible Tory bastard MP as a director, away fan ban, plastic pitch, ID cards for their fans and Steve Foster and Mick Harford and David Pleat. What was there to like?* *Apart from from Kenny Wharton and Gazza taking the piss?
  24. Teacher asks his class where the 'kiss me Hardy' quote comes from? Leroy; "Lord Nelson, Battle of Trafalgar, 1805!" Johnny; "You think you're clever dont you, you little black cunt?" Teacher; "Who said that?!!" Leroy; "John Terry, Loftus Road, 2011!"
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