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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. And here it is with the real life audio....
  2. Aye, they'd DEFINITELY give PSG, Milan and Dortmund a good game.
  3. Read the book years ago, long enough ago to only half remember so hoping the series is decent and doesn't spoil it. Watched the first two episodes and it seems promising so far.
  4. A poowa day for massive lads fans, not just a 3-0 win for the mags but they also got beyt as well just to rub salt in the wewnd.
  5. You missed nothing, it was fucking lifting.
  6. You and me (both). Sale of the century occasionally does as well for some bizarre reason?
  7. What are you talking about? I love a fresh new post.....
  8. This beats the Raby altercation hands down.
  9. Did the mentor call you 'grasshopper' by any chance?
  10. I'd watch this type of boxing tbh and also get these back on a Soccer Séance Saturday rather than watch the utter chumps who do it now.
  11. "They dinnat have a financial model in playace to keep the fick cunts appy, we do!"
  12. "Ahm shewa if we were still in the FA cup and hadn't have got beyt off the mags we'd ahve beyn pissed off getting man city away anaarl, marra."
  13. "Ahm shewa if we left the EU we'd have fabulous trade deals anaarl, marra."
  14. "Ahm shewa if we were in Yewrup we'd beat PSG anarrl, marra."
  15. They probably thought being out of the EU would be a piece of piss as well.
  16. They just didn't imagine enough in those games.
  17. They're always very clear on not answering the question.
  18. Yes and no. We eliminated Man City (and Man United) out of the league cup making it easier for Liverpool to win. You'd rather get a kinder fixture and hope two of the better teams draw each other thus making it less likely you're going to get two really hard fixtures instead of possibly one. I guarantee you Liverpool would've been happy seeing us beat Man City knowing it greatly improved their chances.
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