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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. "Shit! Out the cup and the Mags are this far in front of us!"
  2. Without actually looking at that, and despite getting a good win themselves.......... Have we completely ruined their weekend?
  3. 30 years since the falklands conflict & that lucky bastard Simon Weston doesn't look a day older.
  4. Howmanheyman


    All the best, JawD!
  5. Everton, Swansea, Norwich and the Mackems are all two or three points behind Liverpool now. I wonder if Lawro thinks that Liverpool will have too much for that group of sides to overtake them?
  6. Liverpool have Wigan at home and I just can't see them slipping up here especially if Wigan play like they did last week, that had to be some of the worst finishing I've seen since Kevin Dillon/Alan Smith last pulled on our shirt. We should be looking at Chelsea as well but I just can't see us catching them over 9 games especially when we have to go down there. They've Tottenham so it's a tough game for them but I fancy a draw is the worst result that the Russian's side will get. So basically, we could do with a win.
  7. Always seems to be a hard game against WBA these last few years and wins are scarce, usually draws with the odd defeat, we're not firing on all cylinders, still got the odd injury etc so we might just get a surprise win. The logic of NUFC. Plus I'm at work for it.
  8. It's not the best, like.
  9. To Paddocklad - I'd love to hear Leazes on it, but Stevie is the man for the this, however, no disrespect to the OP, I'm not sure your show is high profile enough for Steve Marshall Barnes, I mean, after writing a piece for the Sun and being a guest on the 'Hawksbee and Jacobs' show on Talksport, can you offer Steve the kind of target audience his talent deserves?
  10. Please mate, if someone called LeazesMag PM's you, put him on! I'd love to hear him. I reckon LM would sound like this bloke with a less Teeside voice, obviously........ "NEVER POST SUCH FUCKING SHIT AGAIN ABOUT SO-CALLED 'BETTER' OWNERS!!! DO YOU FUCKING COMPREHEND??!!!"
  11. Fuck off, man! I've probably been to Windsor park more than you, so I have.
  12. Doesn't like posting here. Lol see my da is a Manu fan, never wanted to support same team as him , probably in a minority not following in parents footsteps when it comes to team selection I've got two daughters but the youngest quite likes football. Luckily I've no relatives daft enough to even contemplate getting her a rivals strip. It wouldn't get worn!
  13. Salt of the earth, man! I'd suss any OOT'er who didn't know his Pingel's from his Steve Carney's as well. Wouldn't fancy a bullshit competition about work either.
  14. What happened to Mac-Toon? Also; Went to school with a kid who supported Spurs in the eighties, his young'un is in the same school as my bairns and I saw his son with a Man U strip on today when I picked my kids up. Is gloryhunting in the genes?
  15. Was just trying to lighten the mood to be honest, Leazes. I put those posters on as they came to mind in the argy bargy on here. Anyway, feel free to mention any Toontastic member you'd like to have a pint with on this thread. I've had a pint with Padddocklad once or twice and to my knowledge thats the only one on here I have had a drink with although it turns out I know Wacky/jusoda kid but haven't actually seen him for at least 15 years if not more I'd guess. Some good posters on here, (piss taking aside), as I'm just a bloke from the wrong end of town and no high flyer I reckon I'd get on with most.
  16. Howmanheyman


    Who would you pick to have a quick one off pint with from this Toontastic list I prepared earlier only if you had to? Your candidates: Leazes Mag/NE5 Gemmill Toonpack The Grey man/MancMag Fish/Cardboard box Happy Face/Leazes lite Baggio Brummie Mag Monroe Transfer/Tecato (Winner gets to say 'I was right', losers must never 'bait' winner again).
  17. Maybe it's talking of World class players, but I always loved seeing Romario and Stoichkov at Barcelona, I'm sure they were both in the side that absolutely dry bummed Man Utd in the Nou Camp in one of Man U's first games in the CL. They did them 4-0 and Bruce and Pallister were just given a fucking torrid time all night. Their faces were as red as their shirts and they were blowing out their arses after ten minutes. Was funny to watch at the time.
  18. I'd love to see Maradona in his prime play in this Barcelona side with more protection from referees. That's no slur on Messi who no doubt is a very special player but cliche or not, Maradona did play in sides nowhere near as good as this Barca one. Careca by the way was nothing special from this addled memory and say what you like about it but I've never seen one man have such an impact on a team winning a World Cup as he did in '86. Spain had so many talented players when they won it in South Africa, you wouldn't say the same about Argentina in 1986.
  19. I'd have them in doing some serious fucking practicing in the art of passing and movement. That's one of the most frustrating wins I've seen for a while, some poor performances by a few of them. If we'd kept the ball a bit more and offered the player in possesion an easier option then we'd have won this a lot easier. It's worrying.
  20. No that's paddocklad allegedly. I'm just a buffer.
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