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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Never even heard of Linkedin till I read this to be honest.
  2. Read something about Recruiters being put off hiring someone if they aren't on Facebook here, http://stage.money.a...rm-your-career/ then read about how Recruiters check other social network sites when looking to hire someone here, http://www.mediabist...ruitment_b18594 . Does anyone on here have experience of this either by being hired by this method or hired others themselves through looking at Facebook etc? Should I just join facebook and paste my CV on it or is this just an exaggerated story? The first site/story implies that Recruiters think people who aren't on these social networks have something to hide and then happen to mention that the nutter who shot the people at the pictures wasn't on fb. (Now we know why he did it!) Anyway, just interested what the score is and also wondering if anyone else isn't on fb/twitter?
  3. You're fucking dead when my 10 year old birthday girl hears you slag 'call me maybe' off.
  4. To go with his now stained Hondacrackas after his near miss.
  5. I think Paddocklad was banned from there for something extremely trivial. Beats me why Leazes got worked up about that place?
  6. Cracking vid, mate. It was hard watching him score those goals for Liverpool at the time as he should've been ours but his talent deserved better than anything we and especially our board could offer him. Sad but true.
  7. I do as well as it happens, then again, I've no idea what Mods had to do/put with but as a poster on TT he just didn't bother me at all whether I agreed with him or not. Deleting peoples conversations on the matter even 'in passing chats' is a bit strange as well. He's banned, I can't change it so what are people worried about? I never voted him off nor did Stevie/anyone else not an admin. Can we not even mention it in passing? It isn't the be all and end all if this post gets deleted but it would leave a bad taste in the mouth which is ironically something Leazes never managed to do with any of his posts even his more mental ones. That would be me completely fucked then.
  8. 53 Medals as we stand for China and all won by the same gadgie by the looks of it. Amazing feat!
  9. What's the difference between a woman's nipple and a man's cock! Elton John's baby doesn't know either. (with many thanks to LTB for his 7" inspiration.)
  10. Do as I say not as I do. Come back Leazes, all is forgiven! And I've been saying this for literally years, err, I mean seconds.
  11. I see the words 'admit' and 'wrong'. Fishy, man! Had you added 'self appointed' and 'policeman' you'd have had a full house!
  12. Never really liked Elton John but as I've got a bit older and chilled out bit I've come to realise he's even shitter than I originally thought.
  13. Might get one and put 'insert stripes' where the name is and put 'here' where the number is.
  14. I'll be in Mexico for our first two games. I'm hoping there's somewhere that has it on like the bar Brian Johnson watched Santiago Nunez get the lads in the CL back in 'Goal'.
  15. Cannot drink cold tea and getting his excuses in early ffs. (enjoy your day!)
  16. I'm not sure I could name a pearl jam or foo fighters song plus a load others mentioned on here.
  17. My sister raved on about these but despite being 36 she's a sucker for hype and whatever is deemed cool, probably the fact she's a mature student, these, fucking Lilly Allen whatever is out at the time. It's actually quite funny hearing her 'singing' Lilly Allens non-songs. Radio 1 is like listening to a foreign channel, I just don't understand the shit they come out with.
  18. The Style Council, didn't like them as a kid but grew to love some of their tracks over the last few years. I always liked the Eurythmics but appreciate some of their songs far more now as well as Annie's solo stuff.
  19. Hands up those who expected CT to say Wham/George Michael.
  20. Well that's a far better dream than mine was! And also good to read.
  21. Once, only once, I had this dream that I owned a cat. The cat had somehow managed to get stabbed or cut open in the stomach. The poor cat was lying and dying. All I could do was to cuddle it and tell it I loved it. Dreams are mental and in the middle of the dream the cat was basically a representation of my oldest daughter. I was going through a difficult time with her Mother at the time. So vivid was this dream that I actually awoke and cried like a bairn. It was a one off and to this day is by far and away the worst dream I've ever had. Awful. This isn't an attempt to belittle Mr Cusack's cat or his feelings but as I'm drunk it reminded me of this worst dream ever. I feel for you, 'Gene'.
  22. Look, I know you and McFaul have had your disagreements but for you to say our attendences were abysmal shows your knowledge of our history up to be quite truthful. I'm a bloke who finds people as they meet them. Scousers? Despite some crap on here I've met far more good than bad, whether red or blue. This is actual life experience and not based on the gloryhunters but actual scousers. For all your 'reasonable' attitude you've shown you haven't the fucking slightest idea whatsoever out the history of NUFC, hey! not your fault, it's none of your business, just don't come the daft cunt with your 'abysmal' attendances shit. I'd love to meet you, have a pint and go into history of football with you as apart from your beloved LFC I think you'd be floundering, (if your NUFC knowledge is anything to go by). Abysmal? You utter fucking loon. Your own Shanks knew what my club was about when he told his protege that if he got it right this was one of the biggest clubs he'd be at. Fucking Everton averaged a staggering 19,000 mid table the year before Sharp, Gray, Reid et al got them the title. To put that into perspective, the team that finished third in the 2nd division managed just under 30,000 which was a few hundred less than the club that won the league, league cup and fucking holy grail of the European cup! I wonder who that club was????!!!! I tell you what mate, send me a PM and we'll have a chat as I struggle to imagine a true scouser belittling our standing in history. Yes we've been shit, but to be called abysmal and have our attendances and stature mocked? Fuck right off! I'm guessing your Dad might be no longer longer with us? With all respect to him, the team that won the league were the best, ok, no arguments. However, we're not talking about 'top 40' records or chas and dave. Were talking about an era when finals had kids/football fans swarming round to the local picture house to watch 'Pathe news' and see the final. My old man had a gran, ( who hated him) that had one of the only tellies in 1952 Byker. Every kid wanted to see the cup final, it had kudos, it's as simple as that. It was the THE main thing to win, like it or not.
  23. Anyway, I'm out for a drink and some scran with Mrs HMHM so play nice, now!
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