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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I'm not sure if Chez is on the wind up with this thread and about to blow some unsuspecting average Joe Poster out the water with some economical insight he has but I'll raise my head up from the trench and say, 'The Olympics? So what?' What on earth difference has it made to anyone on here? If people enjoyed the Olympics then good for them and well done to the athletes as well but I personally couldn't give a fuck about it, not cos it's cool to be cynical or whatever, it just had no impact on my life whatsoever, I'm not into watching other sports and I just love the media telling me how I now feel and how proud I am etc. It's all spin for me, London? I care as much of the place as it cares for me. Coe will live off this for years and every politician will claim credit and talk an equal amount of shit about it. Legacy? Don't be fucking stupid. All the fucking half wits tuning in to Essex, Geordie shore, Jeremy Kyle, Big Brother and Noels house party will continue to do so. The majority of people who don't watch it will continue to ignore these shows. Life will go on and the media will switch their attentions elsewhere. This was the 'in' thing, now it's not.
  2. people skirting around the subject and being dainty little wall flowers. Just say if you fancy a toontastic piss up, man! (aimed at......well if the cap fits etc.)
  3. I WOULD go for a pint with most on here but I WOULD NOT go for a pint with that poster called NICK-KIELCE-POLAND. Was he a spoof?
  4. I think I need one of your jobs to be honest. Where was Chez Given telling me what course to do when I was in Tilleys a few years ago, the twat?
  5. Turned up in a white leotard and a bonk on instead of a football strip and wonders why he wasn't picked?
  6. Chas McGill? Hearing a Geordie accent on TV in those days was pretty rare so I obviously enjoyed watching them. (Can you imagine being a Mackem or a Smoggie? It's as if they don't exist nationally.)
  7. I didn't see his POV that much on that one I'll admit. Maybe you're right on that front, could be sick of the praise for our owner and pointing out that to run it as a good business then be prepared to kiss some of your top players goodbye?
  8. Err, haven't a clue although he reminds me of a stockier version of Ally Fraser.
  9. Honestly, man! I've had a few pints with PL in various bars in the Toon on a matchday and bumped into him at the odd away and I'm happy to say that he isn't a misery but he is fucking good craic. As for Andrew, I've never ran around a different town centre playing a glorified game of Zombie 'tuggy' but I suppose that's not miserable either. I'll stick to the pint with PL, though.
  10. He wrote 'Jossy's Giants' as well which I liked as a young'un. RIP
  11. The 'Shelf' or the 'bus stop'?
  12. Gary Mabbutt. Lad's a diabetic but doesn't like mentioning it?
  13. Holsten pils. drinkable piss or below average lager?
  14. Diamond lights, right or wrong?
  15. Hate hearing this stuff and would that the sick bastards had enough humanity to realise their urges aren't right and will destroy these kids and their families and seek help or just fucking top themselves to be honest. By a coincidence I dreamt last night I'd lost my youngest and couldn't find her. At least I could wake up and realise it's just a bad dream. The living nightmare that poor child suffered and her family now suffer is unimaginable. RIP
  16. We also had a very quick look into the idea as the Wife will be needing a Bungalow in the not too distant future and they're more scarce and dearer than they should be and usually short of bedrooms. Have to say that the info out there on this isn't that great and it seems a lot dearer than buying a 'normal' house which is a bit of a shame.
  17. Only football Manageress I've ever saw;
  18. Not watched the GB womens games. Ex-player isn't it?
  19. If they've never had a pint in at least ten different bars in the East end or West end then they can fuck right off to be honest.
  20. He's already blatantly told you that he thought you were a 'big fella'. Maybe he's also thanking the Lord Christ you didn't pull your weapon out.
  21. Watched the 2nd half of the Womens game between Canada and France in a hospital waiting room yesterday. General impressions? 1. They couldn't finish their breakfasts. 2. Why does every woman football game I've EVER saw have Male managers? 3. I definitely would with a lot of them. 100% (Not the Ref though, Bulldog, piss, nettles etc) 4. I defy any males watching it not to think at some point, 'Fucking I could do better than that!'
  22. By the same token, what's CT's version of a 'bad' season? (seeing as he's reading this thread atm).
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