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Howmanheyman last won the day on February 22

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About Howmanheyman

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    Newcastle upon Tyne

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  1. When you're in the bottom half of the league and just been KOd of the cup at home.....
  2. Eddie is going to have to massively earn his corn for the final, assuming there's no appeal win the idea of Barnes starting horrifies me on the wembley pitch trying to get up and down the flank to attack then defend v Liverpool. Hall being a doubt just intensifies this. Sometimes you can luck into a formation through lack of options and I think this is where we could be at now. You couldn't make it up with first Pope now Gordon getting straight reds just before two finals, we're fucking cursed as a club, man.
  3. NUFC sharpening their swords for the final......ready....... steady....... ATTACK!!!!!
  4. It's not just his legs as well, even simple box movement there's just nothing there, what a horror show this has been. PSR is doing a brilliant job with this club, like. Just as it's meant to.
  5. Targett likes hitting defenders from crosses like. FFS.
  6. Knew he would score. How finished is Wilson though? Fucking hell.
  7. "Sounds like .... Welly?..... Belly?.....Smelly!! Second word, Danny?..... A knee?.....fanny!!"
  8. No. There's one or two who need shipped out, Wilson is absolutely cattled now, targett, schar as well. Barnes has looked a bad buy too.
  9. There's so many Tina Feys she could be but I don't even know who the first one is?
  10. I expected an abortion of a game tbh.
  11. Lose control of the game in the second half is our identity, too many off it, too many past it, we become ragged and now our slim chance v Liverpool just got slimmer and this competition is on the ropes.
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