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About loonyTOON

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    Dan Burn's Back Pocket

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  1. Haha that was my thought too! More I read it, more I question it. Hope that the personal opinion is relating to the permanent signing, but we get him in now as cover for Tonali
  2. I've had this from someone who lives in the same building as Kalvin Phillips... good signing?
  3. Heard this morning the club have caught a number of fans who secured tickets in the phased process, trying to sell them on for a profit, hence fans are now getting calls offering tickets....🤦‍♂️
  4. Congrats! The torment continues then...
  5. Are season tickets/loyalty points transferrable to family members? So when I can't go anymore, can I transfer ST and points to my son?
  6. I've also read comments by fans saying it blows the discussion wide open now around access to tickets for league games, especially away tickets. I fully respect the away ticket prioritisation as those who travel to every/most away games should have priority to those tickets. But personally, I don't stand a chance of a sniff at away tickets as I don't have enough loyalty points and can't grow them to be one who goes to every away game. I'd sell my wife to be at every away game!
  7. Couldn't agree more. Final nail in the coffin and kick in the teeth was getting the season ticket renewal email the same day...
  8. It makes the criteria for 4-7 completely pointless. I'd love to hear the rationale around this from NUST.
  9. Absolutely gutted to miss out in P4 and this is 🤦‍♂️ Feels like a kick in the teeth especially given we just received our season ticket renewal info email after the ten year price freeze we commited to. Still renewing mind. Ah well.
  10. Has anyone heard of anyone getting an email or payment taken for ballot tickets yet? That's going to be the moment I write off getting tickets. I need this torture to end.
  11. Is it not going through p4 to p7 as ballots until the tickets have gone? Or does it mean that some in p4 miss out, but some in p7 go to Wembley?
  12. It's saying 'Error! Bad Request' when I click on ballot after logging in 🤦‍♂️
  13. Just read in t&cs, "If you do not receive an email then, unfortunately the number of ballot applications received has exceeded available ticket capacity and you have not been successful." It's going to be a long day...
  14. It's going to be all praise for Shelvey but Perez has been insane tonight. Great performance and showing his worth.
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