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Everything posted by Giraffidae

  1. could be true. But when he was first arrested I thought he was bound to get off. Top lawyers –v– chambermaid with no witnesses or evidence other than her statement.
  2. Campbell and Kuqi have gone and off the wage bill too.
  3. to put it into perspective though, supposedly Nasri’s got one year on his contract and Man City are offering him £195k a week. Nasri is top class like.
  4. they’ve signed Craig Gardner too it seems.
  5. quite a gamble by them, replacing the finished article (Bent) with unproven potential.
  6. the Twitter posts are obviously silly yet harmless — but the “I’m better, more valid than you” egos on this board are a lot more nauseating.
  7. she is playing now didn’t see much of it, but from what I’ve seen of her there’s only Sharapova good enough to beat her. they are due to meet in the semi’s.
  8. Lisicki looks good, in more ways than one.
  9. Strachan thought Scottish players were good enough to play in England too.....
  10. I imagine he’s on high wages, more than Celtic could afford.
  11. from Hearts official website — oh dear: Hearts statement 24.06.2011 The Hearts Board of Directors has issued the following statement in relation to outside influences on players and the club. "What's happening with the club today is not a new thing. For almost 7 years we have been fighting to shield the club from crooks, criminals and thieves. Many of the top players at the club have felt the bitter results of the swindles that have been carried out with them on their own skin. Skacel and Webster have returned to the club after realising where these 'football patriots' have led them. "Over a short space of time 4 players at our club have been on the wrong end of the law. We note that 3 of them are represented by the same agent - Gary Mackay - who has been so vicious in his attacks against Mr Romanov. "Taking into account the facts that have been omitted by the media it can be presumed that each of these cases is not a coincidence, but the result of targeted actions of a mafia that wants to manipulate the club and the results. "Every year Hearts fights to be in the top 3, but even last season in the last 12 games of the season it was almost like someone replaced the team with a different one. Whose fault is that? Players? Manager's? Or it is mafia. "Stealing players, bad games, problems with the law - all of that on top of record SFA fines. Problems are just shifted to another level. "Mafia are dragging kids into the crime, in order to blackmail and profit on them. It is not possible to separate these people from pedophiles, and you don't need to do that. Each year we are forced to fight against these maniacs harder and harder. We are standing in their way not letting them manipulate the game of football in the way they want. As such they undermine us in every possible way they can. "The task of the club is to tear these kids out of hands of criminals." linkydink
  12. I think it would work anyway, and in fairness to other English clubs who would lose out if you joined an english league, you should start at the bottom and work your way up.
  13. mls1-CelticFC how would you feel about joining a celtic league with the top teams from Scotland, Wales and Ireland instead of joining the EPL?
  14. We'd have the same revenue as last season when we were in the CCC which without European football is more than yourselves and Rangers i.e circa £60m we had a lot of money from parachute payments though.
  15. under 15’s level of football isn’t about results.
  16. Sturridge may be just who we need, but I’ve never considered him as a possible signing as he’s on Celsea’s level of wages and how long ago was it that Ashley signed a regular EPL first team player of quality?
  17. Where does he play now then? Think he's been playing behind the striker at Wigan, looks a better player than the one that left Will be particularly displeased if this means he gets counted as both a midfielder and a striker for the purposes of our squad. We need outright striker buys this window. people use to say the same about Beardsley too. Difference being Beardsley could tell me where he wanted to play as far as I'm concerned. Apart from goalie, he tried that and it definitely didn't work. yeh against West Ham, haha. N’Zogbia suits a roaming role, a bit like Rooney does at times.
  18. Where does he play now then? Think he's been playing behind the striker at Wigan, looks a better player than the one that left Will be particularly displeased if this means he gets counted as both a midfielder and a striker for the purposes of our squad. We need outright striker buys this window. people use to say the same about Beardsley too.
  19. Where does he play now then? in the ‘hole’. more of a supporting striker/midfielder, can play on the right cutting in etc. even when he played for us his natural position was through central midfield, but was forced wide as he wasn’t deemed good enough to oust other CM’ers, he was never really a left winger.
  20. N’Zogbia isn’t a left winger. Never really was when he played for us, more so since he’s been at Wigan.
  21. Chod??? never heard that before!
  22. excellent news. 2 good players in and it’s only mid June — weird. wasn’t given the no.9, hmmmm....
  23. more likely to be his younger understudy Jordan Mutch. Cheaper and greater future profit margins.
  24. from what I gather, Nolan was offered an extended contract which he wanted to negotiate a longer contract, the club not only refused but withdrew the initial offer (as they did with Barton) and told he can leave. Can’t see how people can believe the spin that he’s leaving because of greed. He’s got a contract for 2 years and needs to secure his future and NUFC have told him he doesn’t have one with them.
  25. team morale got us relegated. team morale got us promoted thanks to Kevin Nolan. Now he’s gone and with no likely replacement as a captain with presence, it’ll be down to senior management with their powers of communication and unity that they ooze through the club. Oh, hang on, hmmmm....
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