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About AgentAxeman

  • Birthday 12/26/1970

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    End of the Wall

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  1. I can't decide which of these cunts I want to lose more...... #manars
  2. Just in time for international women's day innit.....
  3. I thought they were Craig's nails tbh.
  4. Gen X and proud bonny lad! 😎
  5. This game is driving me into alcoholism...... ffs...
  6. FFS lads,he was offside. Stop bitching
  7. Good question that actually. How much was the 1st ticket you bought for St James? Think mine was £3. The scoreboard.
  8. https://www.fourfourtwo.com/features/the-premier-league-club-with-174-pubs-within-a-one-mile-radius-of-its-stadium 😁🍺
  9. Blue on black? Not good man.... 🙁 Should've been red at least.... 😁
  10. Just seen it also. Yellow all day but if it pushes up legoheads blood pressure then I'm all for it! 😁
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