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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. I read about 365 books per year. Kids books at bedtime but all the same.
  2. 8 weeks takes up to the point where we have 4 games left. Hopefully we won't need him and rush him back so he has a full pre-season.
  3. So that’ll be the season. He owes that bloke on Socials an apology.
  4. I don’t trust a word coming out of his mouth around injuries. And I love it.
  5. Im not sure what that says about you with the company you keep. 😉
  6. I think we were trying to buy 2 quality players for each position with the CL season in mind. I think he is a good player personally but I don't think he has been able to adapt to Eddies system enough. He'll probably go to a mid PL team and bang in 10 a season no probs.
  7. MAGA will swallow this as well.
  8. "Hi Frankfurt, it's Big Mitch. I hear you've got a young unknown lad called Ekitike breaking through. How much der yah want for him?"
  9. I don’t think anyone would (in a PSR world) but I’m sure Eddie would have liked to keep him or at least have some other experienced backup to play in the case of this very situation.
  10. Yeah, at the end of the day it’s all the fault of PSR. Whether we make the right choices or not under these circumstances is another matter.
  11. I’m playing devils advocate a bit. Do I think Kelly would have helped us beat Liverpool? No. But he may have helped us for the rest of the season. If we are working on pure hindsight then I would brought someone capable of covering on loan (Eg Someone like Disasi).
  12. It sounds like he was given bad advice around his first knee issue. Now it looks like it has happened again with his other knee.
  13. Yeah. That really exposes the risk of the Kelly transfer. Botman hasn’t been fully fit for ~2 years now and we’ve bought and sold his backup (and Halls). I guess money is more important than silverware.
  14. I think I’d rather play our best team v West Ham and get three points. Or maybe 1. the cup final is a write off. We have no chance.
  15. 4 Republican judges then.
  16. Maybe you could start one with predicting Salah is going to get through it completely unscathed? And if it does happen then you’ll have actually got something correct.
  17. Murphy really struggles on the left and Gordon and Barnes really struggle on the right. Murphy's game is all about the hugging the touchline and supplying the bullets whereas Gordon and Barnes cut inside and get shots away. Thats their natural games so playing others on the right is massively ineffectual, as proven this season.
  18. To be honest I’ve skim read half of the argument again. Saves me from jamming two pencils up my nostrils. Aren’t we discussing how we don’t have 3 CBs available for the final?
  19. And at RW we have 1 specialised player: Murphy.
  20. I think that was more by luck than planning. He'd clearly been ear marked as at backup LB and CB that could possibly take his chance if he performed well. Plus Juve have to finish in the top 6 this season for that to become permanent. They are currently 4th but if finish 7th there will be massive egg on our faces.
  21. Im sure Kelly was brought into to solve the pace and the age problem. Not great planning.
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