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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. Not sure O'Brien has proved a thing tbh. Apart from being able to run fast. People said Kerr looked ok too iirc when in fact he was gash but had the luxury of playing in a decent side. Where is Kerr nowadays? IMHO it tells a story about the academy that most players after leaving Newcastle not even make it at Championship level. Most of them end up very much down the leagues. Motherwell
  2. Harsh. He still has many years for improvement. Reminds me of Joe Cole. If he sorts his final ball out he wll be a v. good player.
  3. Piss off mate. That kind of sentiment isn't needed here. Spread the love on Mackem boards or some shit, the Toon's in enough trouble without your racist inclinations. Im sorry to inform you thats it's not a racist comment. It's not like im saying Martins is a smelly wog and has more success tree swinging than on the football field. Is this tool Crimson Fault in a different guise?
  4. Clearly. So's wanking over Underworld:Evolution tbh. Haven't seen yet. TBH
  5. Clearly. So's wanking over Underworld:Evolution tbh. Haven't seen yet.
  6. Missed the edit. Doesn't bother me at all. Just think its sad.
  7. Errr, because Scarlett doesnt do porn. Bit sad like, imo. So is 15444 posts on a messageboard, imo.
  8. I did my freezer at the weekend. Just used boiling water in pans to speed up the process. Done in about 1 hr. I placed the ice tray at the bottom of the freezer so it dripped into that, then towels just outside to soak up any over spill. I am a domestic God!
  9. I dont match my socks by the way.
  10. I have "The Island" from screenselect. Might watch it tonight. Heard it is gash but Scarlett in a tight body suit?? COMMMMMEEEE ONNNNNNNN. How bad can it be?
  11. A good bit of exercise normally rids me of a cold. Been training tonight so hopefully should be okay tomorrow.
  12. I quite like him. Especially when he is playing alongside Rambo. Good communication and positioning between the 2.
  13. Great thread. Although I have missed Amelie. Really wanted to see that.
  14. Maybe you should try watching one all the way through then.....
  15. Mine is on now (ITV4). Live and Let Die. GERLD!
  16. Aye. A wise man once said to me. "Stay in education as long as possible" Never a truer word spoken.
  17. took me a while to see it but class but then again its bad really as it shows the limitations of what could be a great site! What am I missing?
  18. Without his bulk I expect he wasnt as half as good. Shame as he was a McGroin favourite.
  19. The only people who can be a fan favorite at the Toon is a Geordie unless its someone who won us a cup single handedly Asprilla?
  20. Havent had a crowd favourite for years....apart from Shearer.
  21. Thought he was pretty decent....but I was only young when I saw him play.
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