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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. Those of us with severe reservations about his appointment were "fooled" by the argument that with better players and more transfer funds it would be different. What he has done is taken good players down to a sub-Bolton level. This shows he only knows one way to play which is why my reservations have become stronger. I do agree sacking him now would be pointless - but if I were Ashley or Mort I'd be scouring the football world for a replacement with a view to May at the very latest. Exactly the way I feel.
  2. I am literally on the edge of my seat. When it came to the wipe i just couldn't understand the need to stand up. My body wouldn't let me. Relax...let it happen.
  3. So true - give me the 89 minutes of a disinterested Ginola or Robert for that 1 minute of joyous brilliance over 90 minutes of the hoof and run stuff any day Nzogbia has the potential to be better in my opinion.
  4. Just had the long awaited Brad Pitt. After all that it was a clean wipe. Standy for tomorrows dump.
  5. Still waiting for my brown trout to rise to the surface. I think i've scared it back down with all this crazy talk of the sit-down-wipe.
  6. Oooo a youtube compilation. Is there one that shows him wandering around the place looking disinterested too? Cos he did that a shitload. As for needing a scapegoat, I don't, I just wasn't blind to the fact that towards the end of his time here he was neither use nor ornament. Maybe you were at uni at that point so didn't have to sit through it first-hand week after week. Robert -> Martins -> X? I bet X wont be Alan "Hardworking no end product" Smitn......
  7. Dogleash had a great team at his fingertips and completely dismantled it in one summer. That, along with the dour football he served up and poor PR relations - had to go really.
  8. I'm going to give this crazy phenomenon of wiping while sitting a go next time I have an Elizabeth Shue.
  9. instead of a midfielder perhaps?... surely it's plain for all to see that Smith's best position is striker? Better position, yes. He'll only score about 5 goals a season though. Not good enough in my opinion.
  10. Although things werent clearly right at the end of the Robson era I'm sure we would have stayed around the top six mark if Bobby didnt get the chop. A few years later and some of usare thinking 10th would be a good finish. Good or bad decision to sack him??
  11. I caught a conversation on Chris Moyles yesterday about wiping your arse (eg Stand up or sit down and do it) I'm a stand up and wipe man myself.... just dont get how you can wipe your arse sitting down???
  12. Nah, its based on a Robert Graysmith book. Neal Stephenson writes sc-fi doesn't he ?
  13. This is bordering on childish now....
  14. Shola will do well in that division. Not sure about Ramage.....
  15. Although my football memory is shite, I seem to remember a game against Watford (I think) which fairly closely matched that scenario. Im pretty sure it was bonfire night n'all. If I had to guess Id say around 83/84? Someone help me out? Well before my time. I was only 4-5 years old then.
  16. I was pretty young back in those days...Gallacher started that season off really well. Was he any good or just another Wayne Fereday ?
  17. John Gallagher got one of the last goals. McGhee got the winner. That same season one o me mates fucked off 20 seconds before one of the best goals I've ever seen at SJP, was 0-0 in stoppage time and McGhee picked the ball up on the half way line, skinned 7 or 8 players, and rifled in to the Leazes net, he said he didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the roar. McGhee was against Bradford - I believe. Are you sure Gallagher scored? I thought Quinn got 3 and McGhee got 2...or did Roy Aitken score in that match.....ahhh.....my brain is going to explode!!
  18. I can remember the classic going-home-early-moment. It was 2-4 in favour of Leicester back in the early nineties. A few people were disappearing around me. Anyway, Mickey Quinn and Mark McGhee scored 3 in the last few minutes to win 5-4. Awesome!
  19. Especially when he has just splashed £6m on one and is playing a left winger there.... i don't understand why he isn't playing enrique there more often. he's looked decent so far to me, while zoggy looks a far better bet further forward on the left wing - especially ahead of milner, who should be starting on the right ahead of the likes of geremi and smith. I can. He has his favourites.
  20. Especially when he has just splashed £6m on one and is playing a left winger there....
  21. Work issued me with an iPhone today. Happy days! I'm loving it so far.
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